Broken rules and Oscars

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Caden POV

I admit that maybe I was breaking my own rules by taking Alice to the diner. But then again, we were already out. Besides, what harm could one meal do?

We entered the place. It was more crowded than the previous time we’ve been here. I let Alice lead the way to the table we'd used before. I really liked that one because it was in the far corner and offered more privacy. Plus, it had these very comfy bean-bags around it; I would’ve probably bought one for my room if I could afford spending money on something just to indulge myself.

As we walked, I noticed a guy checking Alice out and irritation instantly flooded my vanes. I instictively moved closer and was just about to wrap my arms around her, when I remembered my rules: don't hug the brunette! I hesitated, but decided that it was about time I made some attempts to stick to them, so I didn't embrace her and had to satisfy myself with just glaring at the pale-skinned, auburn-haired guy. It would’ve probably been more effective if he had bothered to look at me, instead of focusing only on my companion's body. Just as I thought that, the guy finally tore his gaze away from Alice and his little beady dark eyes zoomed in on me.

Apparently he got the don't-even-think-about-it message my irritated stare and my clenched fists sent him 'cause he looked away, pretending to be examining the menu. It didn't escape my notice that he was still sneaking glances at us, probably hoping that I had fallen for his pathetic attemp to show me he wasn't interested in the cute girl that walked beside me.

When we reached our table, Alice sat down and I followed suit. Unlike last time when I was opposite her, now I took the bean-bag next to hers. That way I could keep an eye on the creep.

“Hey, kids! Nice to see you again!” Bertha, the waitress from last time, said and Alice scrunched her eyebrows slightly.

“You actually remember us?” She questioned somewhat amazed. “We’ve only been here once and it was some time ago.”

“I remember your quarrel about the bill. And I still can’t believe someone as small as you actually ate all that food.”

“It wasn’t that much,” Alice muttered.

“So, what can I get ya?”

“Waffles!” The girl exclaimed merrily. “Two chocolate and two strawberry-flavored waffles plus a soda for me, please!”

“Two chocolate waffles and a soda.” I ordered thinking Alice’s eating habits put my consumption of food to shame. Yet I probably weighted twice as much as her.

“So that’s four chocolate and two strawberry-flavored waffles and two sodas?” Bertha read from her small notebook and we both nodded in confirmation. “Okay, I’ll be right back!”

As she left, my eyes fell on the creeper who stood only a few tables away. I clenched my fists. That was way too close for my liking, but that wasn’t the only thing that peeved me.

He was staring at Alice again.

“What is it?” She asked and after following my gaze, answered her own question. “Oh! He’s looking at us again.”

“It’s not us he’s looking at; it’s you,” I corrected with a pissed off tone.

The girl sighed.

“Cade, don’t worry about it; let’s just have a good time!”

I was prevented from answering by Bertha’s appearance. She served us our food and left to tend to the other costumers. Alice immediately started eating and talking in between bites, but I barely paid any attention to her.

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