You're kind of a phenomenon

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Alice POV

It was Monday again. I was heading towards Homeroom when I saw the back of a familiar blond head in front of me.

"Morning, Ash!" I greeted when I caught up with him.

"Morning, Alice!" He smiled down warmly at me.

That was what I liked so much about Asher: he was always polite and affectionate unlike the other two boys.

"Did you manage to sneak in unnoticed?" I saw his genuinely worried expression as he asked me this.

"No. One of my aunts saw me but I told her I had been out for a walk. She bought it," I hurried to reassure him.

"That’s good!" He nodded opening the door and letting me through first while holding it for me like a gentlemen.

I smiled at his gesture. But my smile vanished the moment I saw Mrs. Allen’s worried face. What did she think Asher will do? Attack me from behind?

I felt anger boil in me at her attitude towards the boy.

I didn’t care about the guys’ reputation. They have never done anything to try to hurt me; on the contrary: they’ve been nothing but nice ever since I moved here. Except for the time I shouted at Caden when he let go of the fence. That had been scary.

I tried to ignore her while taking the same seat as before, the one between the boys. Those three were the only ones I’ve befriended last week. If you call my relationship with Keegan “friendly”.

He spent the whole time while we were at school the previous week to flirt with me. To be honest, I found that kind of annoying. I wasn’t interested in him that way. Not because he wasn’t good looking. Quite the opposite: he’s got to be one of the most handsome guys around. His long reddish-brown hair, that he usually kept in a ponytail, was shiny and silky; his eyes were a lovely, deep shade of green; his nose was straight; his lips were full; he had a fair skin tone; he was a bit over medium height… And his body was almost as good as Caden’s!

So no, it definitely wasn’t because of his looks.

I guess it was an attitude problem. He just wanted to score with me. He didn’t actually care. Although he did call me Sunday afternoon to apologize for his behavior at Asher’s when we did the sleeping arrangements. And now that I think about it, he was more open and less flirty at the pub. Maybe we were heading towards friendship after all.

The bell rang and I looked around me; neither Keegan nor Caden were here yet.

"Are those two ditching today?" I turned to Asher.

"No, they’re just gonna be late." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"How come?"

"They… They just have something to do," he uttered a bit nervously and looked away.

I briefly wondered what they had to do but something told me I probably didn’t want to know. I nodded and turned to the teacher but kept on sneaking peeks at the boy to my right.

Ash was a looker as well. The combination of tanned skin and blond hair wasn’t my favorite but I had to admit he that looked good. His lips weren’t as full as Keegan’s but they looked very soft. And he had a set of beautiful chocolate-brown eyes.

"What is it?" He asked. Guess he must have noticed I was glancing at him.

"I was just thinking how good you look," I casually admitted.

He seemed uncomfortable with my answer because he shifted in his seat.

"Umm, Alice," he began nervously. "Are you coming onto me? Because if you are… then I’m flattered but… I don’t think of you in that way…"

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