And I really wanted to make you happy

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Caden POV

"Did you get them?" My brother asked instead of greeting me as soon as I picked up the phone.

"If you’re referring to the money you sent then yeah, I got them. Do I even wanna know where you have them from?"

"Relax, little bro!" He laughed. "It’s legal this time."

"Doubt it!" I snorted.

"For real! I got a job as a security guard. So don’t worry about the bills; I’ll be helping you with that from now on!"

"For how long I wonder…"

"Look, Cade…" Logan’s voice suddenly became serious, "I plan on keeping this job. I’ve been clean for months. It’s gonna be different this time."

"I’ve heard that before," I remarked sardonically.

"I mean it! I’ll make it work out this time. You’ll see. I gotta go now ‘cause my shift is starting. I’ll be back in town this weekend to pick up a few things for this place they provided for me. See ya then?"

"Yeah, see ya."

I hung up before he responded and sighed.

I hoped things would work out this time. I hated this feeling; Logan had let me down one too many times exactly because a part of me couldn’t help but hope he’ll stay clean and things will be the same between us as they were when we were kids. As they were before mom went crazy.

I sighed again.

I hadn’t visited her in a while. Maybe I should go. Would she recognize me this time?

Either way, I’d feel terrible after I see the way she was now.

On impulse, I reached for the phone and started dialing Alice’s number which I knew by heart. I stopped myself before I pressed the call button.

What was I doing? Sure, I got upset just thinking about the state mom was in but why did I instinctively sought Alice?

"Because she calms you down." A voice inside my head said. "Like our very own antidepressant."

Yeah… And what did I offer her in return? I just made her worry about me time and time again.

I looked at the envelope with the money Logan had sent.

What if…? I meant to do it anyway. Why not now? I had already paid the bills for this month.

Yeah, I’ll do it now!

Grabbing the envelope I got out of the house.


Alice POV

My phone rang and I smiled when I saw who was calling.

"Hey, Cade! What’s up?"

"What are you doing now?"

"Just finished with my homework. Why?"

"Are your aunts there?" He asked instead of replying to my question. I was getting used to him doing that.

"Only Flora. But she’s busy reading her books."

"How long will that last?"

"At least a couple of hours."

"And when will the other two come back?"

"At about the same time."

"Perfect. I’m coming over."

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