Phone calls

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Alice POV

My phone was ringing. I answered it without looking at the caller ID. Big Mistake!

"It’s time to wake up, wake up, wake up… And then for some make up, make up, make up…"

"Skyler!" I screamed into the phone. "Isn’t it enough that I wake up every morning hearing that tune? Why should I listen to it now?"

"Just in case," the boy chuckled.

"In case of what?"

"In case you’ve changed your alarm."

"Oh! Speaking about that… I have a friend who wants to kill you because your lovely recorded voice woke him up."

"You slut!" Two voices exclaimed at once.

"Beth? You there?" I asked, naming another good friend of mine.

"Yes, I’m here. The speaker is on," Bethany explained. "Now don’t change the subject!"

"What subject?"

"You sleeping with a guy," Skyler intervened.

"What makes you think I slept with someone?"

"How else will he hear your alarm?" It was Beth who spoke this time and I was sure there was a self-satisfied smirk gracing her full lips.

I sighed. Same old Skyler, same old Beth! Whenever sexual gossip was involved those twins would get excited like kids in a candy store. I got that about Skyler – he was a man-whore (I say that with the warmest of feelings really) but his sister wasn’t one to hook up. She still loved gossiping about it though!

"Are you two alone?" I asked the siblings.

"Why?" The boy questioned. "Are you telling us something R-rated?"

"No, I’m just asking, you slut!"

He laughed at my reaction.

"Seriously, guys," I assured them. "Nothing happened. We just slept in the same bed; that is all."

"He’s ugly then?" Skyler suggested.

"Ha!" I barked a laughter. "Not even close!"

"Tell me more!" The girl giggled.

"Well," I started. "Remember TOP 10 HOTTEST?"

Yes, the girls at one of my previous schools had made a TOP 10 HOTTEST GUYS list. They even made a website with pictures and videos with the boys from that school and voted on the whole thing. Skyler came second after the school’s jock star. In my opinion Sky looked way better but the other guy was more popular.

"Yeah," they answered simultaneously.

"Round them all up and you might get some idea of how unbelievably good this boy looks!"

"Really?" Beth exclaimed enthusiastically while at the same time her brother snorted:

"No one looks that good!"

I was sure he was shaking his head.

"This boy does," I assured them.

"Then why didn’t you sleep with him?" Sky asked.


"You him or him you?" The boy questioned again.


"What on Earth made you do that?" Beth resented.

"Well," I started. Seriously: what on Earth made me do that? "I’m not sure…"

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