You are my new pet

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Alice POV

It’s been a while since Caden went out “for a smoke” with that chick. The pub was filling up now. The majority of people sat around the tables but some hanged around the bar. I was introduced to them and now our group of about ten (including Ash, Keegan and me who were the only teens) was buzzing with gossip. I chuckled.

"You know what, guys?" I asked taking my second for the night lollypop out of my mouth. "All of you are grown up men and yet you gossip like teenage school girls."

"Shut up and just eat your lollypop!" One of my companions shot back.

"Yeah… Just suck on it quietly," Cillian remarked amused.

I heard a few barks of laughter.

Is this how we are going to play, boys? Well, if that’s what you desire!

"I really don’t see what your problem is, guys," I started innocently. "I mean, you don’t necessarily have to suck on it… I personally like to lick it."

They stopped talking to listen to me. I could see them starting to get interested. Asher was the only one who seemed uncomfortable about the way what I was saying sounded.

"I like to just stick my tongue out and slowly run it down the length of it…" At that I stuck out my tongue and sensually licked the lolly in my hand. I saw the guys’ eyes tracing the movement hungrily and smirked inwardly.

"Mmmm, it really tastes so good!" I purred and licked it again. Keegan licked his lips.

"I like to keep licking it over…" I licked it again. "…and over…" Another lick. "…and over again." And another one. "But I always put it in my mouth eventually." I placed the lolly in said mouth and started slightly pushing it back and forth.

By now I had everyone’s full attention… Or should I say my mouth had everyone’s full attention. I took out the lollypop again.

"I really, really like sucking on it! But you know what the best part is?" I asked with a playful tone and bit my lip. Some of the guys actually leaned forward so they could hear better and Keegan hungrily licked his lips yet again.

"It’s when…" I put the lolly in my mouth again and sucked on it. Everyone around me was silent. They were waiting for me to continue. And I did. Taking the treat out of my mouth I said:

"It’s when it is all over and all that lovely juicy filling spills into my mouth!" I ended my narration huskily, placing what was left of the lollypop in my mouth and closing my eyes as if to savor the taste of it.

My companions kept quiet. I opened my eyes and saw that everyone was staring at me waiting to see if I would continue. Everyone but Cillian who was looking at something behind me with another one of his trademark amused smiles.

"There is someone behind me, isn’t there?" I asked him and turned around one-eighty when he nodded.

And sure enough it was him.

"Hey, Caden! Want some of my lollypop?" I asked in a friendly manner offering it to him.

He just blinked a few times staring at me dumbly.

"I’m pretty sure that after he heard what you just said, he wants to give you his lollypop!" The bartender chuckled.

"Don’t be ridiculous, Cillian!" I protested. "He thinks I’m childish. That makes him want to buy me a lollypop, not stick his into my mouth! Right, Caden?"

"Lollypops?" Caden finally spoke in a raspy tone. He cleared his throat. "You were talking about lollypops?" He asked incredulous.

"Sure I was talking about sucking on and licking a lollypop!" I faked innocence. "What did you think I was talking about?"

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