The diner

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Alice POV

"Where are you taking me?" I asked from the passenger’s seat of Caden’s car. We had been driving for a while and we were at the outskirts of the town now.

"You’ll see!" He smirked mysteriously.

"It’s taking too long," I muttered.

"Maybe." He laughed. "But I promise you it’s worth it."

He kept on driving even when we were out of town. I was just about to ask “how much further” when I noticed a building not far away. A small, square, one-story building. One with a “MJ&JM’s diner” sign on it.

"Are you taking me to eat?" I asked enthusiastically. God, I loved food!

"Yeah!" He smiled at my reaction. "They make great desserts here."

He stopped the car in the almost empty parking lot and we went inside. It was a nice, small diner with checkered tiles and colorful seats ranging from simple plastic chairs to bean-bag ones. There were even a couple of tables with couches around them.

"Let’s go to the back!" Caden took my hand and led me to the bean-bags.

We had barely sat down when a middle-aged plump woman came to take our orders.

"Hi, I’m Bertha. What can I get ya, kids?" She asked, getting ready to jot it down.

I noticed Caden’s face wrinkle when she addressed us as “kids”. Ha! Not so funny now, is it? Let him see how it feels!

"Do you make fruit-flavored waffles?" I queried and the waitress nodded. "Okay then. I want four banana-flavored waffles with chocolate ice-cream and until that is ready some blueberry pie. Oh! And two sodas."

They both raised their eyebrows. What? I didn’t order that much food.

"Okay… How about you?" She turned to Caden.

"Just plain waffles with butterscotch topping and a soda."

"Very well." She wrote it down and left us.

"Are you really planning to eat all that?" He addressed me.


"Aren’t you afraid you’ll get fat?"

"I always eat like that. Do you think I’m fat now?"

"No. But…"

"But what?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"But you’re so small! How can you eat this much and not grow taller or get fat?"

"Genes," I shrugged although I really had no clue myself.

"If you say so." He shook his head not really buying my explanation.

Just then Bertha came back with our sodas and my pie.

"Blueberries!" I exclaimed enthusiastically winning me an eye-roll from both Caden and the waitress. "What? I really like them. They are the best berries."

With a shake of her head Bertha left us again.

"So… What did you want to talk about?" I asked, putting a piece of pie in my mouth.

"Nothing in particular. Just wanted to get to know you."

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "Want one?" I offered him a piece of my pie.

"No, thanks."

"Your lost; it’s really delicious. Here’s one thing you should know: I love eating. So I only share my food with people I really like."

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