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Alice POV

"Hey, Kee!" I greeted when I answered my phone. "What’s up?"

"Nothing much. I was wondering if you wanna go grab coffee or something?"

"What? Now?"

"Yeah. You aren’t busy, are you?"

"Not really. I just need about ten minutes to get ready."

"Okay. I’ll pick you up then. I’m in your neighborhood anyway. Bye, Alice!"

"Bye, Kee!"

I hung up the phone and got off my bed.

What should I wear? I didn’t ask exactly where we were going but it can’t be somewhere fancy if we’re just getting coffee. Plus, Keegan didn’t do fancy.

I grabbed my short green jeans that I’d worn the night when the twins were here and combined them with a plain white singlet before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

"I’m going out with a friend for some coffee," I informed my aunts. "Should be back in a couple of hours."

"Do you need money?" Aunt Rose queried, lifting her head up from the book she was working on. It was almost finished and she was doing some last corrections before giving it to her publisher. She already had two books out and all of them were about herbs. Go figure, huh?

"No, I have enough."

"Very well! Have fun, honey!" Aunt Flora smiled at me.

They didn’t ask anything else. Good thing Aunt Azalea wasn’t here because she would’ve wanted more details and I had no desire telling her I was going out with a guy.

I got out of the house and walked down the street. The boys had made it a habit to park their cars round the corner so my aunts wouldn’t see them picking me up or dropping me off.

Keegan was already there. He was texting on his phone but the moment he realized I had arrived, he stopped and faced me instead. He looked good with his plain red t-shirt and blue jeans. His hair was in the usual style – a low ponytail, and his green eyes were shining with emotion. I couldn’t tell what it was but judging by the smile that bloomed on his full, succulent lips I’d say it was a positive one.

"Have you been waiting long?" I questioned as I sat in the passenger’s seat.

"Nope. You said ten minutes and it took you exactly that much." He laughed. "Usually when girls say that, they are ready in half an hour."

"That’s because most girls put on makeup and do fancy hairstyles. I rarely feel like doing that."

"And you don’t need it," he turned the engine on and drove off. "Even without makeup you look beautiful, Alice."

"Thank you!" I said taken off guard by the sudden compliment. "So where are we going?"

"There’s this really nice café opposite the park’s entrance. That is the park the carnival was held."

"I know it!" I exclaimed enthusiastically. "I’ve never been in it but I meant to go there sometime. Too bad it was closed during the carnival."

"Well, you’ll get a chance to go now."

Keegan snuck a glance my way and I saw the smile once again, only this time it was in his eyes.


Keegan POV

We had just sat in the café and Alice was going through the menu. I myself thought she was much more interesting and was looking at her instead.

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