The festivities

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Alice POV

"They said yes!" I all but squealed into the phone.

"Don’t use that tone!" Caden ordered irritated. "And who said yes to what?"

"My aunts. To getting a cat," I clarified. "Although there is an “if” of course."

"Let me guess: Azalea?"

"Who else?"

"What’s her condition?"

"That I buy the cat and everything it needs plus get it to a vet with my own savings because Aunt Azalea said, and I quote, “I’m not having money from this household’s budget spent on a whim”."

"That all?"

"Yeah, that’s all."

"So, what kind of cat do you want?"

"Not sure. I’d prefer a kitten so I could housebreak it myself."

"Any particular breed?"

"Nope. But I like gray cats best; not solid gray but the striped ones."

"Boy or girl?"

"Doesn’t matter. What’s with all the questions?"

"Never mind! Gotta go now. Bye!"

And he hung up not giving me a chance respond.


Caden was right: this was lame.

I was currently sitting next to my aunts in town hall. I’ve heard the story about the battle years ago. Aunt Rose had narrated it to me when I came to visit during the holiday season. Back then I liked it. And I still thought it was interesting.

But the way the mayor’s monotonous voice was portraying it now had me waging my own battle – one against falling asleep. The people around me seemed to be doing the same.

At last the mixture of historical facts and local folklore was over. The people got up from their seats and started to mingle or headed to the buffet. I wasn’t in the mood for either of those activities.

I looked around and thought I saw a familiar black-haired head just exiting through the door. I attempted to follow it outside but only succeeded in losing it amongst the sea of people.

Had it been Caden? I thought he said he wasn’t coming.

"Alice!" A voice called from behind startling me and I turned around.

"Oh, hi, Ash! Didn’t know you were here."

"Well, I like history so I decided to come," he shrugged.

"Are you here on your own?"

"If you’re asking whether Caden or Keegan are with me, then – yes, I’m alone."

So that hadn’t been Cade after all… Come to think of it, that guy appeared to be a bit taller.

"So…" Asher started trying to sound casual but looking a bit nervous instead. "How are Beth and Sky?"

I smiled. So that was it? He wanted to know about Bethany.

"They are fine," I answered. "Jealous that we’re having half the week off to celebrate though."

He laughed.

"Too bad they couldn’t stay for the festivities," he frowned slightly.

"Too bad they couldn’t stay forever!" I responded and he smirked.

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