A Ride with Smokescreen

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It had only been a day or two since Claire had Smokescreen as her guardian. They spent time together, but it wasn't much considering how both of them were practically new in their own places. Smokescreen was new to being an Autobot on Earth while Claire was new within the US military. Since neither of them had any missions to do, they were practically sitting ducks.

Smokescreen sighed. "This is... Boredom, right?" He asked, looking at Claire.

"Boredom is right Smoke," Claire replied. "Don't feel bad. Us newbies have to deal with the boredom of having no objectives," she sat up. "However, we can take advantage of it."

"What are you saying Claire?"

"Why not drive me around town, mon ami?" Claire chuckled when Smokescreen got confused before speaking again. "My friend. Besides, I still have a lot to learn about this place, and so do you."

Smokescreen thought about it, looking at Ratchet on the monitor before looking at Claire. He smiled.

"You do have a point," he said. "It would probably be better than being... What was the phrase again?

"Sitting ducks, Smoke."

"Yeah. That."

Smokescreen walked over and transformed into his vehicle mode, opening the door for Claire. Before she got in, Ratchet spoke up.

"And where are you two going?" Ratchet asked, looking at Smokescreen and Claire with a frown. "I hope you two aren't going to pull pranks like Jack did!"

Claire sighed, frowning. "All we're doing is driving around Doc," she said. "It'd be better than being a sitting duck, especially since Smoke and I don't have any missions."

"First of all, sergeant, don't call me Doc. Second of all, don't sound all carefree," he sighed. "I've dealt with that enough."

"Huh?!" Claire said, approaching Ratchet. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"You act like a certain bot I know, except with more attitude than grenades," Ratchet rolled his optics.

Claire scoffed. "Well whoever this bot is, I'm not like him. Now, I'm heading out with Smoke. We'll contact you when we need the Groundbridge."

With that, Claire got in Smokescreen. She frowned and crossed her arms as the door closed. She really didn't like Ratchet, as she somehow reminded him of Private Durand. It bothered her as they headed out into town. The drive seemed silent, and Claire didn't even pull out her phone to listen to music. Eventually, Smokescreen eventually spoke up.

"You alright Claire?" Smoke asked. "You look a little upset after you finished talking to Ratch."

"I'm fine Smoke," Claire said as she looked out the window.

"You sure don't look fine. You kinda have an angry look on your face. You sure you don't-"

"I said I'm fine, Smoke. Just leave it alone, alright?"

Smokescreen sighed before continuing the drive. Despite the anger, it did seem to wear off once Claire helped him review his driving. When it came to stopping at a red light, another car stopped beside them. The window rolled down before a red-haired boy smirked.

"Is that you Darby?" The boy asked. "I was wondering why you're driving around he-"

He was cut off when Smoke rolled down the window to show Claire's face. She frowned, both not in the mood and not pleased with him.

"So you're Vince, huh?" Claire asked before smirking. "No wonder Jack talks so much about you. You look like a glow stick with how red your hair is!"

The boy, named Vince, looked at Claire in shock before he glared. He was not happy with being called a glow stick, especially not by a new girl in town.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" He said, furious. "Better yet,  who are you in general? I've never seen you before!"

Claire chuckled. "Then allow me to introduce myself glow stick. My name is Claire Chevalier. Hope we see each other again, imbécile."

Leaving Vince awestruck, Claire had Smokescreen roll up the window as the light turned green before driving away. Claire chuckled.

"This guy's a class act," she said. "Reminds me of someone from my team in France."

"What did you even call him?" Smoke asked. "This language you use always confuses me."

"Well, I just called him a fool. I could've said much worse. Believe me."

"So there is more to you than being quiet? I knew it!"

Claire chuckled. "You only knew me for a day or two Smoke. Give it time!"

The two would laugh and continue the drive as normal. It seemed like it was going well, all things considered. It was simple drive. Even so, Smokescreen was bothered by something.

"You still haven't told me why you looked upset after talking with Ratch, you know," he said, his rearview mirror looking at her. "I just feel like you weren't happy about the conversation. That's all."

Claire sighed, brushing loose hair from her face before looking at the rearview mirror. Maybe... It wouldn't hurt to open up a little? She had to give it a shot.

"Well," Claire said. "Do you remember when Ratchet said I shouldn't sound carefree?"

"Yeah," Smokescreen replied. "I really didn't understand why he said that. You were just trying to have a conversation."

"The way he spoke to me reminds me of a different member from my team in France," she sighed. "His name is Beau Durand, a private under my command. Despite him being a diligent individual, he thinks himself better than me," she scoffed. "He always thinks me a child, even though he's only five years older than me."

"Why is that?"

"Because I got into the military with my skills, and my father vouched for me. Since I was able to go into it earlier than most soldiers, I was put into question. Most of it was because of my age, and some of it was because I'm a girl. Regardless... People sometimes doubt me. That's why I wasn't happy when Ratchet spoke like he did."

It would be quiet for a while before Smokescreen spoke up once more.

"I'm sorry you were treated like that Claire," he said. "It's not right for you to be treated like that, no matter how old you are."

Claire smiled some, feeling a little better about opening up. It... Actually felt nice for once.

"...Thanks Smoke," she said gently.

"No problem Claire."

The drive continued on for a few more hours before it would start to get late. At that time, Smokescreen and Claire were relaxing on the top of a cliff, taking a break from the long drive. During this break, the two would talk with one another and share their stories with each other. This ride through town brought the pair together.

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