Introducing Team Prime

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It was midday when Claire and Agent Fowler landed on top of a strangely shaped cliff. It was then he told her that it was an empty military silo, but it was now used as a secret base for Team Prime. Claire looked at the view down below, silent again. Then, something Agent Fowler said made her look toward him.

"Do you remember being attacked by a blue and gold robot?" He asked her.

She quickly turned to look at him, shocked by the question she was asked. She thought that the only ones who knew were her superiors. She calmed herself down from the mild panic she had, staying silent as she gave him a curt nod. She then spoke.

"Whatever it was," she said. "It wanted to crush me like a bug."

"That was a Decepticon," he replied. "They want to destroy people like you and me."

"Well that explains why it wanted to step on me..."

"They want to do more than that, trust me. Team Prime will explain it better. Now, the only reason why I'm showing you Team Prime is because of Commander Zwei," Agent Fowler explained. "He knows about the team and will be discreet about them. I suggest you do the same, sergeant."

"Understood Agent Fowler."

"Now, let's go inside. You have a team to meet."

Claire nodded and let Agent Fowler lead the way inside the base. She followed him without saying a single word. They went into the elevator and Agent Fowler pushed the button.

As the elevator went down, Claire was thinking about the day she faced that "Decepticon" a few weeks ago. She wondered why "he" was after her specifically. She shook her head as that thought was put aside when the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

Claire and Agent Fowler stepped out. She was amazed to see what was around her, but she also frowned. They were all robots like the one who attacked her. She held onto that expression when some of them stared at her. She felt a little displeased for the time being.

"Prime!" Agent Fowler shouted.

Claire looked over to see a red and blue robot with bright blue eyes walk over. She looked up, displeasure turning to amazement. Agent Fowler looked up at him.

"What is it Agent Fowler?" Prime asked.

"I like to introduce you to somebody Prime."

He walks over to Claire, putting a hand on her shoulder. Claire looked at him before looking up at the bot again.

"This is Sergeant Claire Chevalier. She's a soldier straight from France."

Optimus studied Claire. Claire looked at Optimus, tilting her head. She didn't expect a robot to be studying her like a work of art. This confused her quite a bit, to be truly honest.

"Is she staying here in America?" Prime asked.

"Yep," Agent Fowler said. "She's being transferred here, as well as being put into our U.S. Army."

"Interesting," Optimus said.

Claire watched Optimus carefully, then heard other voices as well.

"Who's this Agent Fowler?" Asked a green mech.

"Oh come on!" Shouted a white and orange mech. "Not another one!"

"Ratchet," Agent Fowler said. "Have respect! This is Sergeant Claire Chevalier. She will be a part of the team now and fighting in our army."

"That's cool," the green mech said. "Another to join our ranks."

"So..." Said a blue femme walking over. "This human knows of us?"

"Yes," he said, then looked at Claire. "Allow me to introduce the rest of Team Prime," he points to the blue femme. "This is Arcee. She's a swift combatant."

"Nice to know we'll have another girl on the team," Arcee said with a smile.

Fowler then points at the green mech. "This is Bulkhead. He's the muscle of the team."

"Welcome to the team sergeant!" Bulkhead said. "Sure hope you'll prove to kick some tailpipe later," he said before putting a fist in his hand to show some form of being a combatant.

Next, he pointed to Ratchet. "This is Ratchet. He is the Autobot medic of the team."

"Don't be like Bulkhead and break things that I need," Ratchet said, not even looking away from the screen to look at her.

Claire scoffed. "He and I definitely aren't going to get along," she thought, then looked at Fowler pointing at a black and yellow mech.

"This is Bumblebee. He is the scout of the team."

Bumblebee spoke in a series of beeps and whirs, which made Claire tilt her head in confusion. Arcee helped to translate and explain.

"Bumblebee says 'Welcome to the team Miss Chevalier,' " she said. "He can't really speak. During the war, his voice box was destroyed."

"I see," Claire replied. "I'm sorry to hear that soldier."

Bumblebee spoke in beeps and whirs again. Arcee translated.

"He says 'It's alright. I'm used to it by now.' "

"I see..."

Claire got to meet more of the team and she managed to get to know them a little better. She didn't seem to be bothered by them. She was interested in them though.

She couldn't wait to see what possibilities would unfold.

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