Resources and an Answer

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On the Nemesis, Nightmare was monitoring the weapon's progress with Shockwave's assistance. Thanks to Megatron reducing Starscream's... Interference, he was able to work on the weapon without much issue. He sighed, still having to worry about the Energon required for it to even function. Shockwave noticed this and spoke.

"It is illogical for you to worry Nightmare," he said. "Lord Megatron increased the Energon scouting patrols for this weapon. However, I must inquire as to why a weapon about the size of Dreadwing's sword requires this much Energon."

"This weapon is more than a tool for combat," Nightmare said, looking at the one-eyed mech through his mask. "It will be a weapon that will cleanse this world of its sins and make it perfect for Decepticons."

"And what of humans like yourself?"

"They can just kneel to their new masters. If not... Then they'll fall."

The two would soon hear two sets of footsteps. Nightmare turned and looked to see Knockout and Breakdown come in.

"We're back!" Breakdown said.

"And with good news!" Knockout replied before placing two large containers of raw Energon crystals on the table. "Your supply of Energon, Nightmare," he bowed.

Shockwave placed Nightmare on the table, allowing for him to get a better look. He was impressed, chuckling.

"This is perfect!" He said. "We may have to process it, but this is more than enough for Lord Megatron's weapon!"

"Had to fight a skinjob and an Autobot to get this cargo," Knockout explained. "But thankfully it was all worth it. I don't know what sort of damage Dreadwing inflicted upon the skinjob, but it must've been enough for them to vulnerable."

"... So you ran into her, then? Guessing that's where your injury came from?"

Knockout scoffed. "Managed to hit me hard and shot me while I was in my holoform."

"You're a fucking idiot! She's known as 'Nighteye' for a reason! She's a killer marksman! You were lucky she didn't shoot you in the helm!"

"Yeesh. You must really hate this skinjob to be angry over her."

"Forget it," Nightmare sighed. "Thank you for the delivery. Now we have the resources necessary to continue work on the weapon. Go get yourself tended to, Knockout."

Knockout nodded before he left the room with Breakdown. Nightmare turned to look at Shockwave. They would continue work on the weapon, not wasting any time in the process. It would be quite a while before Megatron walked in.

"What progress do we have on the weapon, Nightmare?" Megatron asked.

"It is coming along smoothly," Nightmare answered, despite a low tone in his voice. "Shockwave is working on processing the raw Energon that Knockout stole from an Autobot making a delivery."

"Excellent. Also, you seem to be out of sorts. Did Knockout strike a nerve regarding your... Situation?"

"Nothing I couldn't handle on my own, Lord Megatron," he bowed. "Once this weapon is ready, you can cleanse this planet and make it yours."

Megatron smirked. He liked the sound of it; taking over this planet would be perfect. It would also allow for him to have victory over Optimus Prime once and for all. He got tired of the Autobots getting in the way of his plans.

"Excellent Nightmare. I expect results. When Earth becomes our utopia, we will have everything that we want!"

"You have the world, and I will have the view my Lord. I will destroy all those who get in our way."

"Even those close to you?"

"Whatever it takes for our victory."

Megatron smirked before leaving Shockwave and Nightmare to continue their work. Everything was going along smoothly, and he would eventually step out for a moment, putting Shockwave in charge of the weapon for the time being. He was planning on visiting Knockout and Breakdown, wanting to clear his head from all the work.

He did find the company of Shockwave and Megatron enjoyable, same with Soundwave, but he somehow found those two to be amusing. Maybe it was because they reminded him of someone? He wasn't sure. Even so, he found them to be better than some of the others, despite how he had been acting.

"Nightmare," a voice said to him.

He turned around and looked to see Dreadwing approach him. Out of all the Decepticons, he did not wish to deal with him. Starscream may have been a nuisance, but at least he didn't ask so many questions.

"Dreadwing..." He said. "Have you come to bother me with more questions? You should learn to heed Lord Megatron's orders and leave me alone!"

"I wanted to make amends for our... Quarrels. I was foolish to ask you questions about your connection to that human," Dreadwing kneeled down to him. "I don't want to make an enemy of you. Let's... Bury the hatchet, as you say," he turned into his holoform and held a hand out to him, wanting to seal the deal.

Nightmare would approach Dreadwing and took his hand, a smirk playing underneath his mask. There was a mutual friendship to come from this, but Dreadwing only requested one thing.

"Let me see the face under the mask," he requested. "Grant me that at least."

Nightmare sighed. "That it, hmm?" He asked. "Very well, if it will stop your questions for now."

Dreadwing watched as his metal hand pulled the mask off. Scars covered the right side of his face, his eyes a vibrant blue as a result of the Energon coursing through his veins. He slicked his dark hair back as he gave a stern look.

"...Well? What do you think of me now, Dreadwing? Not as frightening to you, am I?"

"You look like scrap, but... You're not the first to have scars. Now, you should put that mask back on. I do not want to have to hear Commander Starscream whine about it later."

Nightmare put his mask back on before turning away from Dreadwing. He turned his head to look and wave before he went to where Knockout and Breakdown were.

Dreadwing finally got an answer from him for once. It may have not been much, but it was something. Hopefully, he can become an ally to this masked human and maybe... Even become his friend.

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