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Note: This chapter will be referenced from the TFP episode "Rock Bottom."


(Back at Base...)

"Alright Raf," Claire said. "Since we want to cover the topic of robotics, how do we wish to present it...?"

"Well, I'm thinking we could do demonstration," Raf replied. "But it may have to do something simple."

"Fair point. I'd ask Ratch, but I don't want us to go overboard here."

"Yeah... I already remember what happened the last time Ratchet helped. It was... Interesting, to say the least."

Claire looked over to see Arcee and Bulkhead getting ready for something. She looked at Raf, telling him to take a break from project prep and she walked over to them.

"What are you guys up to?" She asked.

"Energon spike," Arcee said. "Possibly a mine."

"You can come with us sergeant," Bulkhead stated. "Jack and Miko are coming too."

"You want me to join you guys on an Energon excursion? But why?"

"It'd help keep an eye on Miko," Arcee said.

"Hey!" Miko shouted. "I am not that bad!"

"Says the one who sneaks off most of the time," Jack replied.

Claire chuckled at the mild banter between the two teens. It was nice to have that kind of family experience, despite them not being her family by blood. The base, Autobot Outpost Omega One, was like a second home to her and the other children. She felt Arcee poke  her shoulder, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"So Claire," Arcee said. "Do you want to join me and Bulk or not?"

"Alright Cee. You persuaded me. Let's hope this spike isn't dangerous..."

Claire got things prepared for the mission. She pulled her hair back, making sure that her hair was out of her face. She then noticed Raf approach her.

"I heard you'll be going with Arcee and Bulkhead," he said. "Will you be alright out there?"

"I'll be alright Raf," Claire reassured. "It should just be us checking on a simple Energon spike," she rubbed his head. "I'll make sure to come back and we can continue our project, alright?"

"Okay Claire... Just be careful."

Claire nodded, smiling before she went to join Arcee, Bulkhead, and the others. The groundbridge would open and they would go through it, standing in front of the mine's entrance. Arcee told them to stay put before going in with Bulkhead.

Things were going well. Then Miko started ranting about missing a concert.

"Relax Miko," he said. "The concert won't start for two more hours!"

"Do you know how long I've waited to see Slash Monkey?" She asked. "Forever!"

"Excuse me, but... Who is Slash Monkey?" Claire asked, confused.

Miko gasped, surprised that Claire did not know that band. The look on her face was like if she got offended. Jack interjected before she said anything.

"Obscure Bulgarian shriek metal," Jack replied.

"It is more than that!" Miko shouted. "It is art!"

"I never heard of them," Claire stated.

"You never heard of Slash Monkey?!"

"Miko, I'm from France. I don't come across music like that."

Eventually, the two Autobots would come out. Arcee and Bulkhead were stumped. The mine was practically stripped, and yet there was a signal. Why? They were snapped out of their discussion when Jack told them that Miko ran off.

"She went in?" Arcee asked. "Unbelievable."

"Really?" Jack replied. "Have you met her?"

"She's worse than some of the privates I had to mentor back home," Claire sighed. "One of these days she'll give me headache..."

Bulkhead ran in after Miko, and Jack was trying to persuade Arcee to let him and Claire go in. Claire placed a hand on her hip, watching the conversation go on. Eventually, she'd concede to the persuasion.

"Just... Don't tell your mom," she said, then looked at Claire. "And you don't tell Agent Fowler. Sergeant or not, I don't want you getting in trouble."

"Understood Cee," Claire replied.

Soon, they'd go inside the stripped mine. Once they got inside, Arcee was getting a call from Bulkhead.

"Bulkhead? Bulkhead, do you read?"

There was some static interference which made her curse. Claire looked up at Arcee, raising a brow.

"What is it, Cee?"

"The mineral composition down here's causing interference..."

"That means we can't reach the others?"


Arcee, Jack, and Claire walked along the mine's caveway, hoping to find a way to get back to Bulkhead and Miko. However, they'd soon hear a voice. It spoke low and carried hatred in spoken word.

"You have ceased to be of use to me Starscream," it said. "And you have been a pest to Nightmare's current endeavors thus far, so you shall simply cease to be..."

Claire and Jack would see an imposing figure stand over a smaller one with his blaster aimed. The smaller one was cowering in his presence. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Megatron's here?!" She thought, stunned. "And Starscream too?!"

She them looked over at Jack, who was just as surprised, not believing that the Decepticons would show up. Maybe it was because of that Energon spike? Who knows?

Megatron would soon notice them, and they would notice Arcee once she arrived. She too would be surprised by their presence. The smaller one, Starscream, watched them. His master watched, then became furious and started firing. Arcee moved quickly and got Jack and Claire to safety behind a rock pillar.

"Stay down!" She yelled.

Claire wanted to protest, but Jack shook his head. Now was not a good time to argue over this while two Cybertronians were shooting at each other. It was terrifying enough that Decepticons were here in the first place, so it wouldn't be a good idea to start arguing. The firefight soon got out of hand, leading Megatron to accidentally shoot the ceiling and causing a massive collapse. It also resulted in the floor collapsing beneath them.

"Jack!" Claire called out. "Cee!"

Soon, the floor collapsed beneath them and they all fell. Everything was going in slow motion for her, even as she started panicking. She tried to reach out to something, but it was all in vain as she and the others fell to the darkness below...

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