Recovering Transfer

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Weeks had passed. Claire woke up and looked out the window with a frown. What happened in the past bothered her, but not enough to make her feel scared. Even so, it did make her feel uneasy at how she almost died to a giant robot.

After another week, she was discharged from the hospital, much to the displeasure of the doctors. They wanted her to stay for longer than a few weeks so that the injuries would heal, but she was quite impatient.

"I have a job to do," Claire said to them. "I can't just sit here and wait for this to heal."

After arguing with them, and after being discharged, she headed to the military base in Paris. She calmed everyone down, saying that she was doing well. Everyone was excited to see their young sergeant was alive and well, but not everyone was that way.

"This is why children shouldn't play sergeant."

Claire turned around before sighing. Of all the people she had on her team, she had to deal with Private Durand. He was ranks under her, but he acted like he was mightier than most.

"Can we not have this foolishness here private?" Claire asked. "Last I checked, arrogance is for fools."

"So is having everything handed to you on a silver platter, sergeant," Private Durand retorted. "Just because you are a prodigy with a name like Chevalier, it means nothing. Just like how it means nothing when your brother le-"

"Don't you dare bring Sebastian up. You have no right private!"

Claire glared at Private Durand, quite angry by the way he tried to bring her brother down. She was almost ready to tackle him before footsteps were heard. Everyone looked over to see that Commander Zwei had entered the room. Everyone saluted him, even Claire after regaining her composure. He was a tall fellow, with a strong build. He was also a young man at the age of 23. With blonde hair and brown eyes, he shows his German and French traits well. He looked down at Claire, showing a soft and stern look.

"Sergeant Chevalier," He said. "Might I have a word with you alone?"

"Of course," Claire replied.

"Follow me."

Commander Zwei began walking and Claire followed. Everyone murmured to each other. Whenever the Commander and Sergeant have a private talk, it is usually about either international affairs or national security. The talk they would have would be slightly different.

When they arrived at his office, they sat down and looked at each other.

"Sergeant," the commander said. "Was Private Durand bothering you again?"

Claire sighed. "Yes sir. Ever since he's been on my team, he has acted foolish. I was ready to charge him with insubordination for his behavior."

"That is highly unnecessary sergeant," Commander Zwei said with a sigh. "I will deal with him personally. Now, for the matter at hand."

Commander Zwei provides Claire with a folder containing documents. She opened and looked through the contents. She was intrigued by the information she read, but she was confused.

"What's with all this documentation for America?" Claire asked, looking up from the documents. "There's even documentation for sending me to a school there..."

"I am sending you to America tomorrow," Commander Zwei stated.

"What?" Claire said with a surprised look. "Why?"

"I think you're capable of going out there. Plus, I think it would be good of you to work with my friend William Fowler. He's a Special Agent and he will look after you. Also, Fowler has some... friends of his own that he can introduce you too. You'll be amazed by them. Believe me Chevalier."

"But... why me? Why not Colonel Bessette or Lieutenant Noir? They're more experienced with America than I am..."

"This is why I chose Agent Fowler to care for you when needed. He'll be your guide."

"I still don't understand why I'm going, sir."

"Each soldier must learn some foreign ground. You've faced Iran, Japan, China, Germany, and many more. The only one you haven't gotten close to yet is America. This stepping stone is important. Plus, this is your transfer for a while."


Claire couldn't believe what she was hearing from her commander. It was not fair for her to be transferred like this. She felt anger before Commander Zwei answered her.

"Yes. I hear you have neglected your family on both sides. You've been distant from them and focused more on your team. Look Chevalier, I understand that your older brother Sebastian's death has been hard on you... It's been hard on everyone. But..." His voice softens. "You need to realize that there are moments in your military career where you should devote your time to family. This not a punishment. Only a chance for you give yourself some closure, even if it's brief."

Claire was silent, looking down. Ever since the loss of her brother by an explosion that was in battle, she had distanced herself from her family and just focused on her team.

Her parents argued a lot after the loss. Her father moved on from from the loss like it was nothing. However, her mother struggled with the loss. This caused tension between them, with one not wanting to remember while the other wanted some support to handle all the grief that weighed on them.The parents divorced after two months. Her mother, American by blood, went to live in America. Her father, French by blood, left Paris and lived in a different part of France. The whole family had become fragmented and nothing ever seemed to bring it back together.

"Go ahead and pack your things," Commander Zwei said. "I will go and speak to your team about your transfer."

With that, the Commander walked out of his office. Claire stayed behind for a while before walking out and heading to her home that the military provided: the barracks. Once she got there, she packed up her things and laid down in her bed. She didn't know what to say. She was excited about traveling, like usual, but she felt the opposite about it too.

Being transferred to America for the sake of family was not something she would do. She always waited for orders to fight the enemy. She never made time to call or even write letters to them. She always fought. Maybe... The transfer could change her, even if it was a small change.


Claire stood by with her things, waiting in the airport for Agent Fowler. Commander Zwei told her that he was a chubby African-American male wearing a suit.

"Not a very decent description..." She thought, annoyed. "He could've at least told me his location instead of making me wait for him."

Claire sighed, then looked at her Galaxy X5 phone. It was silver, but it was covered by a sleek black case. She brushed some loose hair away from her face as she was reading the transfer information Commander Zwei gave her. There was that, and possible immigration. According to the information, Commander Zwei will allow her to become an American only if she wants to.

This brought up another sigh from Claire as she closes the transfer information and brings up her music. She gets her earbuds out and listens to music while waiting for her liaison and escort to arrive.

On the 5th song, she paused it. She heard footsteps come her way. She looked up to see a chubby African-American man approach her.

"You must be Agent William Fowler. Correct?" Claire asked, raising a brow.

"Yes," he said. "And you must be Sergeant Claire Chevalier?"

Claire nodded.

"Sorry for being late, sergeant. The traffic out here can be awful."

Claire nodded again. She didn't have time for words. She just wanted to deal with this transfer peacefully. That, and she wasn't in the mood.

She would not be prepared for the surprise that would come her way.

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