Mysterious Nightmare

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Dreadwing had returned from flying around, frowning. He remembered that day he could've killed the human girl. However, Nightmare wouldn't allow it. He said he wanted to have her spared. He was quite skeptical about Nightmare's decision, but he didn't want to question it. He was Soundwave and Megatron's ally. There was no way he would sever the connection, knowing he would face severe punishment later.

He looked over to see Nightmare on Soundwave's shoulder. His hair was black and his face was covered in a mask, which was created by Knockout. He might not have been a blacksmith, but he didn't do a bad job considering the circumstances. Dreadwing walked over to them, seeming composed despite his initial opinions of Nightmare.

"Nightmare," he said. "What's the status of that pathetic human girl you wanted me to spare?"

"Well, she's in Japser, Nevada now," he said calmly, not even looking at Dreadwing. "She has been transferred there by her French commander."

"Interesting. So this means that we'll be able to get close to her if we so choose?"

"Despite the Autobots at that location, yes," Nightmare turned to look at him."We will be able to get to her if we had the desire to do so."

Dreadwing hated it, but Nightmare was quite intelligent for a human being. He was similar to Soundwave in a way. Nightmare had become a part of the Decepticons for almost a year now.

Nobody really knew his story except for Megatron, Soundwave, and Shockwave. Dreadwing had tried to ask Nightmare about his past, but he would always shrug it off or would say that it was 'none of his concern.' Most of the Nemesis never really knew or never really cared. However, Dreadwing was the only one that was curious of him. He seemed to be the only one that wanted to know about him.

Dreadwing, the cold-hearted Decepticon, was curious of the mysterious Nightmare.

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