One's Comfort

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A large battlefield was seen. Many casualties were witnessed as Claire and Sebastian ran together. They managed to find a safe place to hide from the gunfire. Poor Claire was trembling before Sebastian hugged her, rubbing her back.

"It'll be alright Claire," he said gently. "We'll make it back to the commandant and we can go back home to père and mère with this victory in hand. Je promets à ma sœur..."

The scene would soon shift from that to just a white space. Claire was alone for a moment, looking around, unsure of where she was. She tried to look for him, a little frightened.

"Sebastian?" She called out. "Mon frère?"

It would be a while before she could see her brother. She would see him as he was. His black hair was clean and cut, showing his military prowess. He looked calm, his gentle brown eyes showing behind his glasses. He even had a gentle smile on his face.

"Mon frère!"

She ran over and hugged him, happy to see him again. He would hug her back and hold her close, rubbing her back. It was peaceful. Perfect even. However, it would not last long before Claire could feel him get heavy. She fell to the floor with him. When she could open her eyes, she could see the same horror that she had to see many months ago. Tears filled her eyes as she held her fatally wounded brother.

"S-Sebastian... N-No...!"

She tried to save him, tears falling down her face. Claire panicked as her brother was fading away. Her body trembled.

"No! Don't leave me! Please!"

Before Claire could do anything else, he was gone. She could only watch as he vanished right before eyes. The tears that fell down her face eventually started to flood the room she was in.

The only thing she could do was cry out her brother's name as the tears flooded the room completely to drown her...


Claire would wake up to bright lights as tears fell down her face. That dream... It haunted her again. She looked around, trying to figure out where she was before she winced.

"Easy sergeant..." A voice said. "Nurse Darby said you were going to feel pain at first."

Claire looked over to see Agent Fowler nearby. She was relieved to see him, but then she looked down, silent. However, he had already noticed the tears.

"Had a dream about your brother?" He asked. "I... I know he means a lot to you."

"...We were so close," she replied, still not looking up at him. "Even when we went to battle together. It was how things were..."

The room soon fell silent, leaving sadness to cling to the air. Agent Fowler wasn't sure of what to do at first, not wanting to make her feel worse. Eventually, he'd place a hand on her shoulder.

"I might not know your brother, but... I believe that he'd be proud to see his little sister being the best sergeant she can be."

Claire looked at Agent Fowler, silent and with tears still in her eyes. He could see how hurt this poor girl was, both physically and emotionally. He wanted to help her out the best he could, so he talked with her more, allowing her a chance to speak her mind and cry if she needed to. He'd comfort her as she cried.

After a while, her mother would arrive. She hurried into the room and hugged her daughter. Agent Fowler stood aside, allowing them a moment before he spoke up.

"Excuse me, Ms. Chevalier," he said. "I'm Agent Fowler. I'm the one who works with your daughter."

"Of course," Ms. Chevalier said before smiling. "Thank you for being there for her."

"It's no problem ma'am. I want to do what's best for her well-being, just like Commander Zwei," he adjusted his tie. "I'll... Go stand outside."

Agent Fowler would leave the hospital room before his phone rang. He checked to see that Commander Zwei was calling before he answered.

"Hello?" He said.

"Agent Fowler," Commander Zwei said. "How have you been? How is Sergeant Chevalier?"

"She's doing alright now. However, we had to put her in the hospital because she had old injuries that were causing her a great deal of pain."

He sighed. "I expected this to happen... Before her transfer, she was really impatient. I had a feeling her injuries would become an issue. How long will she be in the hospital?"

"A few weeks, maybe a month or two at most. Those injuries were rough. Nurse Darby even told me that the back injuries will scar."

"I see. I do hope she gets better."

"Same here Commander. Thanks for checking in."

He'd hang up and put his phone in his pocket. He sighed. Agent Fowler had to admit that he worried for the kid, really he did. Being a teenage soldier... That's not easy, especially with what she had to go through. Her brother was dead and her family was torn apart; that couldn't have been good for her mentally.

"The poor kid," he thought. "I wish I could help her out somehow. Maybe I could ask Nurse Darby or Ms. Chevalier. They know how to care for a teenager..." He sighed. "I just hope I can help her like her Commander did."

He turned his head to look at the door. He stared before he turned to see Nurse Darby approach him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, sensing that something was wrong.

"Everything alright Agent Fowler?" She asked.

"Well, I..." He sighed, not sure if he should say it. "I'm just worried."

"You're worried for Claire, right? I heard that you came into base furious. I mean, you yell at Optimus a lot, but Jack said you were out for blood."

"I didn't want the kid dying on me. Also... I don't want to put her mother through another loss."

"I know you don't. You're doing the best you can. Just be there for her. Who knows? Maybe you'll be a father figure for her one day."

Nurse Darby smiled before walking away, leaving Agent Fowler to think about it. He looked back at Claire's room. He hoped that she would be right. Even so... It didn't seem like a bad idea to be her father figure, right?

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