Meeting Nightmare

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The base was humming with energy as plans were made to retrieve Smokescreen and the remaining half of Claire's team. Claire updated Agent Fowler on the situation and promised to keep him up to date on the situation at hand. Everything was in order, and she took the mantle.

"Everyone! Meet up!" She shouted.

All humans and Cybertronians met with Claire. Some of the Autobots were in their holoforms, and some were not. She watched them all converge to her position before speaking up again.

"Alright. Now that I have everyone here, let's review the plan again. I arrive at the coordinates as instructed. However, to insure that there's no danger placed on me, Bumblebee and Bulkhead will accompany me. Arcee and Optimus will be behind and guarding the surrounding area while we handle negotiations."

"Ratchet and I will monitor what we can see on screen and notify you of any life signals that pop up nearby," Raf stated."

"Right you are mon ami," Claire replied. "Jack and Miko, I need both of you on standby in case Ratchet needs any extra help, or if I send a distress call."

"You got it!" Miko said cheerfully.

"Understood," Jack replied. "Be careful out there Claire."

Claire nodded before going back to preparation. She needed to make sure that everything was ready for when they met the assailant; she could not afford any mistakes with lives on the line. She had her doubts, but she had to put them aside for the plan.

Once everything was put in place, they were getting ready to move. Claire took a breath before looking at Bumblebee and Bulkhead. They nodded, showing that they were ready. Claire looked over at Ratchet.

"Open the Groundbridge and set it to those coordinates for me, Bee, and Bulk," she said. "After we go through, set some coordinates behind us so that Prime and Cee can observe and guard the area."

Ratchet nodded and put in the coordinates before pulling the lever. The Groundbridge would open, and Claire looked up at the two bots.

"It would be best if you two drove in vehicle mode, then go into holoform. The assailant may be Decepticon, but we cannot be sure that they are human or not."

With that, the bots would go into vehicle mode. Claire would get in Bumblebee, taking a breath. She looked forward, her voice speaking clearly.

"Let's do this, mes soldats et amis."

They would go through the Groundbridge and arrive at the coordinates the assailant provided. Claire got out and looked around. She then heard her team call for her, and she hurried to them.

"Soldats!" She shouted as she got close to them. "Are you alright?"

She checked them over. She was relieved that they weren't injured, but she saw that they were tied up. She looked at one of the soldiers, asking for an explanation. Nobody would say anything for a while before a private would speak.

"After that man killed half of the team," the private explained. "He tied the rest of us up, an-"

"It was so that you wouldn't leave before I could bring out the true prisoner."

Claire quickly stood up and turned to see a masked man with three Cybertronians behind him. Claire saw Smokescreen in the middle, concern showing on her features.

"Smoke!" She called out.

Smokescreen slowly looked down to see Claire. He managed a smile before almost collapsing. One of the Decepticons, Knockout, had to support him. He then noticed Claire and smirked.

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