Nightmare's Meeting

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Nightmare traveled the halls of the Nemesis on Soundwave's shoulder, thinking in silent contemplation over what the next steps were going to be. It was not going to be easy with the Energon scouting. Even so, he had to think of a plan if he was going to continue being of use. Soundwave noticed, and looked at him. When Nightmare looked at him, a message was on his face screen.

"Is something on your mind?" It said.

"Plans for the weapon Lord Megatron wants have been going..." He sighed. "Slow. It doesn't help that Commander Starscream pesters me constantly."

Another message would come on the screen. "Perhaps you should speak to Lord Megatron about the problem."

"I suppose so. Lord Megatron does know how to discipline that fool. You'd think there'd be more capable people like yourself and Knockout."

"Soundwave! Nightmare!" A voice called out.

The two would look over to see a cherry red mech approach them. Nightmare chuckled at himself.

"Speak of the devil," Nightmare said. "What is it, Knockout? Is Starscream bothering you and Breakdown again?"

"No, Nightmare. Lord Megatron is requesting Soundwave's presence. In the meantime," Knockout held his servo out. "You can come with me. I doubt you'd want Starscream to bother you again, much less be close to you from what I've heard."

"What you've heard?"

"Some of the Vehicons have been talking about how you and Starscream had a shouting match. Dreadwing apparently had to stop you both from doing something drastic."

Nightmare scoffed as he got on Knockout's servo. "Not my fault that our commander is a fool," he looked at Soundwave. "Tell Lord Megatron I plan to speak with him soon."

Soundwave nodded before walking away from him and Knockout. Nightmare looked up at Knockout as he spoke.

"For a human, you have quite a bite," Knockout said. "Makes me wonder about what made you want to come to us in the first place."

"Don't," Nightmare says lowly. "I already have Dreadwing pestering me about that already. Like I said to him, that is none of your concern."

"I'm kidding Nightmare. Lighten up, will you?"

"...I swear you're almost as worse as Starscream."

"My finish is better though."

Nightmare sighed, annoyed by the comment. It never takes long for Knockout to compliment his appearance. Even so, he seemed more competent than his commander. All the Decepticons he lived with in the base were either competent or foolish to him. Despite that, it was home.

He stayed with Knockout and Breakdown in the Medbay, chatting with them briefly. It helped to pass the time, even if they got on his nerves. Knockout eventually set Nightmare down and became a human version of himself.

"You got into your holoform for me?" Nightmare asked. "Now this is new," he chuckled.

"As a physician," Knockout said. "I am required to check on everyone. That includes you too, human or not. Now, let's see how your arm is doing today."

Nightmare held out the arm Knockout referred to. Instead of an arm of flesh, it was... Metal. Cybertronian metal was from his shoulder down to the tips of his fingers. Knockout whistled.

"I've heard of Shockwave's handiwork," Knockout said. "But I must say that I am impressed! Humans are strange, but the ability to fuse Cybertronian tech to you is quite impressive."

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