In Delirium

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Earth: No! No ... Noooooo .... p'kaoooooo ....


Earth immediately ran to Kao, grabbed him, sat down and put his head over his hips, Earth looked in the blood, with tears on his face falling non-stop, desperate when he saw Kao smeared on his shirt, he looked ahead and saw the villagers hitting the men trying to grab Kao and him.

Ohm saw what happened while he was on the boat, wasting no time, Ohm got off the boat as soon as the boat reached shore, grabbed Earth's shoulder and said in a hurry as soon as Earth looked at him.

Ohm: quick! Let's get out of here...

Earth worried.

Earth: P'Ohm! ... And p'kao ?! He.... He was ... Earth started to shed tears, looked at Kao

Ohm without wasting time he looked at the young man inside the boat, shouted loudly at him while grabbing Kao by the shoulders.

Ohm: Hey! You ... Please help us with him ...

The young man got out of the boat and grabbed Kao on both legs, Earth desperate, got up as soon as Ohm and the young man grabbed and took Kao on the boat. Earth got into the boat, grabbed Kao's head and put his head again on his hips, Earth looked at Ohm worried and with tears falling over and over.

Earth: p'Ohm! He's bleeding a lot ... He's going to die ... P'Ohm ...

Earth screamed in utter despair, Ohm saw Earth's distress and noticed that Earth loves Kao very much. Ohm went to the two of them, noticed the bullet wound and where he was shot, Ohm looked at Earth.

Ohm: he'll be fine! The bullet only hit the arm ... We have to take him to the hospital.

Earth hearing this, breathed a sigh of relief but was nonetheless concerned.

Earth: So! ... So let's go quickly ... Please ...

An hour passed, they are still on the boat, the island was a long way from the city of bangkok. While the three of them were on the boat, Kao opened his eyes a little, losing blood, sweating a lot because of the blood loss, in delirium, knowing that the man in front of him is the man he loves.

Kao: N'Earth! Are you?! ... Please ...

Earth saw him trying to say something, worried he said while trying to calm Kao down.

Earth: ""shh"! Don't say anything ... Be calm ... You will get out of this ... You are strong ...

Kao upon hearing these words was happy to be comforted by Earth, a little without strength, without worrying more about what he says, thinking that he will die.

Kao: I ... I want to tell you something ...

Earth: just doesn't say anything ... What do you have to say, say it when you're okay ... Just keep quiet ...

Kao: I love you Earth katsamonnat.

Earth hearing this, opened his eyes wide with Ohm who is listening to their conversation, Earth, surprised by these words was a little silent, not believing much in what Kao said, put a hand on his forehead.

Earth: what are you talking about ?! You have a fever ... You don't know what you are saying anymore!

Angry Kao grabbed his wrist which is on his forehead, said looking and fixing his gaze on his eyes.

Kao: I don't have a fever ... I love you ... Did you hear me ?!

Earth did not want to believe these words, he knew that what is happening is just delirious because of the fever.

Earth: I don't believe you ... As a proud and selfish man how can you love a person like me ?! How can you love someone who ruined your project?! ... Please don't say anything more ... This is just a delusion in your head ... When you wake up, you will be and remain the same selfish and proud man....Now stop saying nonsense ...

Kao saw that Earth did not believe his words, but he is very tired and losing a lot of blood, so he was unable to change the thoughts of the man he loves. Ohm looked ahead as soon as Earth said the last words and shouted.

Ohm: look! We have arrived ...

The boat stopped, Ohm went looking for help, after he got it, grabbed Kao's feet and the young man on the shoulder, took him off the boat and put him in the car, Earth got in the car and again Kao's head was on Earth's hips. It took them about 30 minutes to arrive at the hospital, upon arrival, Kao was sent to the operating room, Earth stayed with Ohm in the waiting room while they operated on Kao.

After an hour the doctor left the operating room, Earth worriedly approached the doctor.

Earth: so! ... so doctor! ... how is he ?! He is fine?! Please tell me that he is fine ... Please ....

Doctor saw Earth's despair and was happy to know that the young man he operated on has someone who loves him very much.

Doctor: calm down! I'm very happy to know that this young man has a boyfriend who loves him very much ...

Earth's eyes widened at that.

Earth: wait! Wait ... We are not ...

Ohm interrupted Earth's words when he saw that Earth wanted to deny the words spoken by the doctor.

Ohm: OH ! He is a boyfriend who loves him very much ... So doctor, how is my friend doing ?!

Doctor: he's fine! The bullet did not hit any vital organs ... At this moment he is unconscious because of the sedatives we gave him ... But within an hour, he will wake up ...

Ohm happy and Earth too.

Ohm: thank you very much doctor for your work ...

Earth: yes! Thank you doctor ..

The doctor put a hand on Earth's shoulder, smiled and left the place where he was. Ohm turned to Earth as soon as the doctor left, with a smile.

Ohm: then! BOYFRIEND! ... Earth got scared by his voice, turned on his side and looked at Ohm .... Has this concern already calmed down ?! Are you more calm, now that the man you love is okay ?!

Earth slapped Ohm's hands and said trying to escape the questioning look.

Earth: stop it .. I am not his boyfriend! .. And if it depends on me he can rot in this hospital bed ...

Ohm seeing the look of a fugitive, fleeing the interrogation, he said as he smiled at the corners of his lips.

Ohm: huh! Okay! Well ... It's not what I saw on the island ... Your desperation was so real, the whole way you stayed with him ... That ... It really felt like "LOVE " !! ... Or am I wrong ?! ...

Earth hearing this turned his back on Ohm and started walking and talking at the same time.

Earth: you're wrong ... forget what happened on the island ... That was just my body speaking for me, that's all ... Now I'm leaving ... He's fine ... And you're here ... so he doesn't need me anymore ...

Earth left and Ohm looked at him with a smile.

The two chapters are gifts for a special person🤓😊

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