He Is A Dechaphatthanakun

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Earth: I'm sorry my love... I'm sorry because of me you ended up becoming weak... because of me showing up in your life you almost died, and now your eyes are closed because of me.... We never should have met that day on that road, I was a mistake in your life from the beginning.


Earth remains by the window, hugging herself and crying.

Door bell sound...

Earth looks at the door, walks to the door, opens it, surprised to see Dun and Ohm.

Earth: P'Dun! Ohm, what are you doing here?...worried about Kao....Is P'Kao alright? did something happen to him?!

Ohm calming him down.

Ohm: No! Nothing happened to him, don't worry.

Earth: And how is he? Has he woken up yet?

Ohm: We don't know... We both left the hospital.

Earth gives a sigh of sadness,
for not hearing from Kao. Dun wanting to get important information from Earth.

Dun: We have something to talk to you about, but first can you let us in?.

Earth quickly turned to the side, put a hand forward indicating for them to enter.

Earth: Oh! Excuse! Please enter..

Ohm and Dun enter, Dun turns to Earth as he enters, sees Earth close the door.

Dun: N'Earth do you know anything about Khun Luke?!...I'm asking you this question because Ohm and I saw that maybe you have a relationship with him... You the moment Kao disappeared from the hospital the day khun bank was shot .... You looked distressed, desperate... and the moment Kao received the call inside the booth, N'Lisa said that you were the only one who spoke to Khun Kao... And when Kao was in the ICU... You said that words to Kao's father, which triggered my investigation...

Earth was surprised by the question and the investigation so accurate by Dun and Ohm for a few seconds, but then walked a little to the bedroom door talking.

Earth: wait here please...!

Earth entered the bedroom for two minutes, came out, approached Dun and Ohm.

Earth: I couldn't deliver it because so many things happened these days and also.... Because Khun Luke was threatening to kill P'Kao if I delivered this recording.... Earth gave the flash drive where it contained the recording of video he recorded at Dun....I went to Luke's office and overheard a conversation between him and a man.... I took advantage, I recorded their conversation... But unfortunately, I don't know how he realized that I made a recording in the moment when p'Kao and I were running away from his men....

Dun put the flash drive in the computer, he, Earth and Ohm saw the recording, after three minutes, Dun took the flash drive, looked at Earth and Ohm, gave a small smile, put his hand in front of Earth and Ohm moving the flash drive.

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