06 - Fright

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"The world will start to black out once you feel your heart beating from fear"


Almost two weeks after that, Taehyung ordered both him and Yujin to clean up the yard and the pool. He must probably be planning to host a party or something.

As usual, Yujin is just scrolling through her phone while Jin is doing all the work. They didn't straight away start to clean the outdoor space in the morning though.

Jin got carried away scrolling through his phone reading some news. The news about his orphanage caught his eyes. It was stated that the orphanage will cease its operation next year and all the kids who didn't get adopted yet will be sent to another care centres.

How the hell is he going to get the money as fast as next year? He didn't want the kids to be sent away to other centres. The kids will probably get saddened.

He knows the feeling of being an unwanted kid that no one wants to adopt. That kids will be saddened knowing that they are the 'unwanted' kids.

Yujin shouts at Jin bringing him back to the reality. She orders him to do this and that while she herself is just laying down on the couch.

Putting his problems asides, Jin starts to work. He starts to wipe the glass door clean, sweeping the floor and the list goes on.

In the middle of cleaning the outdoor space, he also walks in when the weather gets too hot in the afternoon. As he is in the house, he notices the woman is sleeping.

Sighing loudly from where he comes in, Jin quickly tidy up Taehyung's room, the living room and whatever is in mess in the house.

He didn't want to get yell at as Taehyung is really sensitive towards his surrounding. He is sensitive when things are not in place or in short, when things in mess.

When the weather calmed a little Jin decided to work back on the things he left outside.

Cleaning the big pool is a problem. Yujin who just awake pays no mind to him who obviously is struggling to clean the big pool alone.

As the time passed by while Jin is working alone to clean the pool, it is now already the time when Yujin usually go home.

He is done cleaning the pool and now he is just waiting for the water to fill up. As the pool is almost full with water, Jin who is near the pool gather the equipment he used to clean everything outside wanting to put them into their places back, Yujin came from his back and push him into the pool while giggling before going back to her home.

She didn't even look back at the pool. What a prankster she is.

Not enough with doing nothing leaving Jin with all the works, that woman even pushed him into the pool but thankfully Jin has experience in swimming and diving.

Except for being wet, Jin is all fine.

Or at least he thought he'd be fine. He didn't realise his right leg got tangle with the equipment as he fell into the pool together with a thing. Fuck. His right leg got tangled in between what it seems like a rope.

He is going to die isn't he? His used to be broken leg is the same leg that got tangled with the thing. That thing is heavy. Yujin is not there to help him. The guard is at the front gate, he probably didn't hear him struggling underwater.

He is going to die drowning. He is really going to die.

Jin is not Jin if he didn't try, he tries to free his leg from what keeping him from moving upwards to the surface but it is not working. Maybe it is because he is panic that he realised he got tangled to the bottom of the pool when the house is empty.

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