32 - Wane

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"A hope, the reason of why everything is still going on, never reduced to ashes, nor vanish the dreams"


"That necklace, no one has it. It is the only one in this world. It was a handmade by me and my mother to the owner of that necklace"

"About ten years ago, the necklace went missing and the owner of that necklace was found dead from being murdered" Taehyung says, pressing his words at the same time as he never once change the direction of the gun.

Jin trembles even more when he realised that Taehyung is not joking. It's a real gun.

As much as that, Jin himself isn't so sure of why he is feeling so shitty. He kind of feel a bit funny after the blood transfusion but maybe that's because he is rushing to go home.

Still he feels weird.

Jin back up a few steps, tripping on the rock. He is dizzy, he feels like he needs to throw up whatever it is in his system. He is in deep confusion of what is going on. Frowning in confusion he says,

"No, I have this with me for more than ten years. I have this for 12 years. You're mistaken" Jin replies, hands clamps together to stop himself from trembling, to gather himself to not show the man any expression but it seems like it is not working.

When Taehyung rush closers to him, Jin knows the flashback of that horrible place is going to appear in his head again judging by how irregular his heart beats are.

Can people stop rushing in his direction when he is looking at them straight in the eyes. He is not afraid of them but rather the shitty memories of his got the best of him.

"It was declared missing about ten years ago"

Why is he feels scared at Taehyung? Why is he feels scared hearing what Taehyung says? He is going to kill him isn't he?

"Don't come c-closer, please" Jin says desperately.

"You're lying to me" Taehyung says as he now slowly walks toward Jin.

His deadly tone. Why does everyone hates him so much? Looks like everyone surely hates his existence.

"I'm not lying! My sister, Hyekyung gave it to me. She told me to wait for her to come but she never did. I waited for two years and she never came! I ran away from that orphanage after two years of waiting!" Jin shouts, crying.

He didn't intend to cry but it was too overwhelming for him. He is tired and he just want to lay down and sleep his sick feeling that he is having now.

When Taehyung grabs him by his arm, hoisting him up on his legs so that their eye level would be the same, Taehyung could feels how much this man is trembling.

But he doesn't care. Why should he?

"Hyekyung noona you said? So you know her name" Taehyung replies, and Jin could see he is actually smirking at him.

"Hyekyung noona is your sister? Well you actually know her name. Hyekyung noona is my sister. We never had a brother named Kim Seokjin" Taehyung says to his ear with one hand gripping the arm of Jin while the other hand is pointing the gun to his waist.

"She is gone. She is dead. She was murdered. You murdered her" Taehyung says again to Jin's ear. Slow but clear.

As Jin hears that, he pushes Taehyung in disbelief. Who is gone? No way it is true. He starts to heave up, never wanted to believe those words.

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