26 - Witter?

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"A heart stained in anger grows weak and grows bitter"


Successfully covered Jungkook with his hoodie, once again Jungkook is back on Jin's back.

"Where are we going hyung?" Jungkook asks as he moves his head that is once place on Jin shoulder.

"Your home, it's late" Jin replies as he continues walking.

"No!" Jungkook shouts and moves again almost making they both fell flat on their face.

"Yah! Don't move!" Jin scolds as he tries to adjust Jungkook on his back but the younger seems so determined not to go home.

In the end, Jin sets Jungkook down and he too tiredly take a sit there.

"Why don't you want to go home? We are almost near, your parents, your mother must be worried sick about you" Jin reasons, almost sounds like he is scolding Jungkook.

What Jin didn't expect is for Jungkook to break down crying.Drunken Jungkook is really something else.

"Don't cry, I'm sorry. I'm not scolding you Jungkook-ah" Jin says as he pats the younger's back.

"What would you do if you find out the deepest secret one of your parents hide for a really long time? Would you tell anyone? Tell me hyung, what will you do, I want to hear it" Jungkook asks as he looks at Jin in the eyes.

What a drunk thought this young man is thinking? Why couldn't Jungkook just keep on sleeping and Jin gets him home safe and sound?

"I don't know. If the secret is what I hate, I'll probably hate my parents too. But you know, I'm an orphan haha so I can't hate my parents" Jin laughs bitterly.

But Jungkook didn't reply to him. What is the secret is about?

"Is the secret isn't about that...?" Jin asks carefully not wanting to hurt the younger's feeling.

"It's the secret that I'm disgusted to know and at the same time I feel sorry for" Jungkook replies.

"Does your parents aware of it? Aware that you know that secret?" Jin asks again.

"No, they didn't know. They act all loving in front of me. Not gonna lie but they are the best parents for me, the best mother and the best father but, after knowing that, I feel sorry and disgusted to even know what it is about. I shouldn't be there and heard what they were arguing about, why the heck am I so determined to hear it" Jungkook replies, gripping onto his hair.

After Jungkook said those words, they becoming quiet as if they are thinking of something. Jin too, he is thinking of something.

After what it seems like a minute or two passed, Jin mutters a sentence with his soft yet calming voice.

"Those are the past. People change so does the situation and their surrounding. What hurts you will hurt you, the only thing we can do for it, is live in the present and moving on" Jin says.

He is not sure whether Jungkook did heard his words or not but he is pretty sure Jungkook didn't hear that judging by how his eyes close, sleeping.

A soft sigh left his mouth before he decided to keep on walking with Jungkook on his back to the younger's house.

Through the journey, Jin didn't fail to mutter that Jungkook is heavy once in every two minutes.

When it was the thirteenth house or whatever the number is, a car pulled over the road blinding Jin. A man stepped out of the car.

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