14 - Desiderate

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"Seeing a light despite the darkest sea, a hope you need"


He plays a big part of why Jin is sick. He knows it.

Gently moving closer to the bed, he taps Jin's shoulder softly trying to wake him up for some water. When Jin is not moving Taehyung decided to let him rest.

Somehow there is a voice in his head tells Taehyung to continue watching the house cctv footage.

Taehyung walks back to his work space after making sure he tucks the blanket on Jin before looking for another date on his laptop screen.

He clicks on the date where he almost become a murderer, the day when Jin almost died drowning himself in his pool while carried out what he asked him to do.

His anger started bubbling in him when he notices Yujin didn't do anything throughout the day from the footage. She looks like she enjoyed being in charge of the house while he is gone for work.

So this is how she acts? Can't believe she fooled Taehyung for good. The Kim Freaking Taehyung got fooled for years by his maid, Yujin.

Another poke to him as he saw Yujin did pushed Jin to the pool. It didn't sit right in his mind when he remembers back of how Jin trying to defend himself over that situation.

What Jin said to him were all right. He didn't lie to make himself looks better, he was telling him the truth.

Taehyung is amazed looking at the cctv footage of how fast he reacts the moment he saw something or rather someone in the pool.

He did act without second thoughts judging by how fast he jumps into the water dragging Jin up to the surface for air.

After that footage, Taehyung decides to check on the date where he mostly weren't in the house due to his meeting or whatnot.

The day Hoseok said he saw Jin is of course on the list of it. Indeed Jin came home drenched in rain days ago.

So maybe Taehyung only contributed for about 50% of why Jin is sick right now because the remaining is contributed by Jin himself. He went out and got drenched in the rain voluntarily. Taehyung didn't forced him that day, it was only yesterday he kicked him out.

But still the guilty feeling is eating him alive.

Stopping himself from watching the footage, Taehyung decides to cook himself a light dinner and maybe some food for Jin because he knows, based on the footage today, Jin didn't eat anything.

Though Taehyung is not the best cook but still he can cook edible food.

When he gets himself to the pantry downstairs, his eyes caught a few things in the corner of the pantry. There's a rice pack, some onions, greens and a few sweet potatoes sitting neatly there.

He knows that is not the rice brand he usually eats. It must be Jin's. Oh wow, he feels shittier when he remembers back his statement to Jin.

What a stingy man he is.

Okay maybe Taehyung should loosen up to him, not that Jin is a big threat to him but still his necklace, the missing necklace is still nowhere to be found.

Taehyung would kill someone for that necklace. It's how precious the necklace is to Taehyung. It is her last gift to him.

Whatever, let's wait till Jin is awake for that necklace. Not gonna lie he did expect Jin to hand him the necklace back once he wakes up.

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