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waiting is hard.

no matter what, it's painful. you could be waiting for your class period to be over, or maybe you're waiting for the new season of your favorite show. another common one is waiting for your friend to play you back in imessage games,


you could be waiting for the perfect time to go over to the girl's house that you, coincidentally, broke the heart of, who you haven't seen in months and who you quite possibly may have re-fallen in love with.

that's what sapnap was waiting for at least.

the boy had waited forty-five minutes. 45 long minutes, ones he could have spent hugging the girl he missed so much.

but she probably didn't even want to see him, that's what his brain kept telling him. she was probably had already fallen for a new boy, one at the airport or something. she didn't care to see sapnap at all.

she didn't even call.

but she did knock, he just didn't hear it.

"nick! come down here!" his mom yelled, causing a loud groan to leave his lips as he trudged down the stairs, staring at his socks as he quietly made his way to the kitchen,

"what's up?" nick asked his mom, who sat at the island chewing on a brownie,

she only pointed, it felt as if the whole world had gone still as he turned his head, following her finger. she was pointing at the door, that anna stood quietly in front of,

"anne-" he whispered, his feet carried him before his brain even had a second to think, throwing his arms around the girl so tight that she let out a small gasp from it,

"missed me or something?" she laughed, wrapping her arms just as tight around him,

he shook his hand, pushing it into the crook of her neck as she rubbed his back, "why didn't you call?"

"phone died." she laughed, "then i thought i'd just come over instead of call, anyway."

the girl hesitantly pulled away from the hug, only to be pulled back in, "just- don't leave mad at me ever again, okay?"

her heart broke at his words, "i won't, promise."

nick wiped his eyes of the few tears that fell as he let go, a laugh leaving his lips out of awkwardness. the boy took a step back after realizing the proximity of the two, rubbing the back of his neck.

"are you crying?" his sister asked, stepping out of her room, her eyes going wide as she saw anna standing in the doorway, "anna!"

the young girl sprinted towards anna, throwing herself into the hug and turning to pull nick in with them.

anna laughed as the hug ended, taking a look around the house, before going to walk up the stairs as if she never left the town in the first place,

nick followed her in silence, watching her walk into his room.

it was just as it was when she left, tidy and neat, besides the few pieces of clothing on the floor, and the stars.

she turned excitedly towards the boy, "you kept them up?"

"i mean- i didn't want to forget you."

"forget me? how?" she spoke, moving to sit on his computer chair, spinning in a circle,

he walked over to the girl, softly stopping the chair from spinning, leaving her to stare at his home screen, "i think i thought that if i took away the thing that reminded me so much of you, i'd stop thinking about you."

fall back ... sapnapWhere stories live. Discover now