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sapnap laughed at a joke karl made, his phone silently ringing from his bed, all attention focused on the game in front of him.

the thoughts of anna that usually circled his brain were absent as he laughed, distracted, not that he wanted to be distracted from her anyway, more like he had too be.

when nick thought about the love he had for anna, he always was at a cross-roads.

on the left street, anna might feel the same. it would mean that everything he wanted back then could become a reality.

but on the right side, what if she didn't? what if anna was simply just a friend, as she had always been. what if he lost anna again?

with those thoughts in mind, he always went right. anna didn't need to know of the burning feeling he got when she was around. she didn't need to know about how he felt when the girl walked into the room, how his cheeks would burn red and his palms would sweat. he'd keep it a secret.

so maybe nick's voicemail ringing into anna's ear was a sign, maybe that sudden urge to be honest with the boy was just that, a sudden urge. it wasn't something she should do.

it's something she wasn't going to do.

she lightly tapped her screen, clicking end call before his voice mail even finished.

anna needed too keep herself distracted, at least for now. it's what sapnap was doing at least, the screen in front of him was only a getaway, and when karl would end his stream, nick would still stare at the game. hoping somehow he could continue to escape the girl that lived so freely in his mind.

but neither of the two 19-year-olds understood that the things they were doing were merely distractions. the real thing was still there, just down the road.

it was almost three in the morning before anna got a response from nick,

sorry i just saw your call, are you okay?

but she didn't respond. even when she woke up in the morning the feeling she had from before was only filled with sadness, she didn't want too talk to nick. she didn't want too admit that if she spoke to the boy, the feelings she had for him would only increase.

so when nick walked into her home, wearing a simple black button down and dark jeans, multiple presents filling his hands, the first thing he wanted too do was walk up the stairs towards her room.

he kicked his shoes off at the front door, giving a quick hug too anna's mother after dropping the gifts under the tree, "is anne upstairs?"

"she's upstairs getting dressed, why?" audra let go of the hug the boy gave her, wiping an eyelash off his face, causing his nose too scrunch up and his eyes to close,

he pushed her arms off his face, laughing, one thing his mom and audra shared were they both cared far too much about the boy. of course he'd rather have that then someone who didn't care at all, someone like the two 19-year-old's fathers.

"she hasn't answered her phone in awhile, just checking." nick smiled, turning to walk up the stairs.

his white socks trudged up the stairs, knocking quickly on anna's door, not listening for a response before opening it. that was the mistake here, because as soon as the door opened her saw anna changing.

his hands shot up to his eyes, spinning around to face the hallway, "i am so sorry!"

he closed the door behind him, still keeping his eyes shut as he heard anna laugh from inside the room,

"it's okay, you didn't see anything besides a bra, nick. it's just like a bathing suit." anna laughed at the boys reaction, slipping the dress over her head, "you can come in now, by the way."

embarrassment lined sapnap's face as he opened the door again, this time much slower, before he saw anna standing in her new outfit, though he didn't see much of the first one she was wearing.

"where'd you-" nick coughed as the pink still lined his cheeks, "when'd you get that dress?"

"oh," anna looked down at the black dress, it was simple, reaching just above her knees, "my roommate gave it to me."

nick sat in silence after her answer, simply taking in the look of her,

her expression suddenly changed, "what? is it bad? see, i told katie it wasn't a super formal event-"

"no!" nick cut her off, walking towards the girl, "it looks really good on- you look really- i like the dress."

her face matched nicks, the bright shade of pink becoming a color that they were both very familiar with.

"so- why'd you call last night?" sapnap interrupted the silence that had become comfortable,

she looked up from the floor, meeting his eyes, "it was nothing," she shook her head, "was just bored."

"oh, well why didn't you answer my text back?" he laughed, putting his arm around her shoulder and walking them out of her room,

she shrugged, "i fell asleep early last night."

it wasn't the truth but, it wasn't a lie either.

sapnap hummed in response, for once not believing her.

"look at you two!" both their mothers gushed at their two eldest children the second they stepped down the stairs,

"what?" anna laughed, hesitantly stepping away from the boy,

"we missed you guys together, that's all!"

sapnap put his head into his hands, "not this again."

"covering your blush?" a new voice was heard from the other side of the room,

nick's surprised face turned towards the voice, "june! why would you say that?"

the younger girl laughed, "because i just know you two-"

"june!" both mothers present yelled,

"what?" june laughed, causing nick's sister too laugh as well, "they'll confess sooner or later."

el speaking

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el speaking....

i wonder what's gonna happen
next chapter .... :)

lowkey i feel like i'm just
messing with u guys at this

but it's not MY fault they won't
confess.... well it is... but still

fall back ... sapnapWhere stories live. Discover now