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the boy woke up too his sister practically jumping on his head at 6am. god how he wished she would grow out of the santa thing already.

"yup! santa came, i know-" nick spoke, slowly falling back asleep before being pushed awake again, "okay! okay! i'll get up, go wake up mom."

the boy yawned loudly as he rolled out of bed, grabbing a sweatshirt off the floor too put on, before trudging down the stairs.

he looked outside the living room window, seeing the small amount of snow on the ground that made his his eyes light up,


he grabbed his phone out of his sweatpants pocket, sending her a text,

morning anne

merry christmas (:

he knew her response wouldn't be seen for a few more hours, considering her family decided christmas morning is still christmas morning, even at noon.

but as he watched his sister open gifts, it was almost impossible too pay attention. the only thing that sapnap had resting in his brain was what her response would be,

there was multiple options.

option #1: the simple good morning,

option #2: the left on read,

option #3: the 'thank you!'

or option #4: the anna see's the message, gets very confused why nick is sending her good morning texts all of a sudden, before she realizes that it was probably because of the kiss! the kiss that was a mistake and that she definitely did not like! and that nick probably was overreacting at how his stomach erupted in butterflies and how incredible it felt too finally be able to say i love you too her. anna probably was very very confused and didn't really like nick at all! she probably was going to hate him because, seriously, who even sends good morning texts anymore?

honestly, nick thought that was the most plausible option.

or maybe he was just overthinking.

nick helped his sister finish putting all her gifts together, and cleaned up all the wrapping paper, before trudging back up the stairs.

christmas was kind of boring now, it was actually kind of sad.

as the days continue to go by, it just made him realize he was getting older and holidays were very good at reminding him of that even more.

he'd been overthinking a lot more recently, especially when anna was added too the equation. so what if now something like last time happens? what if now they finally get what they want and it turns into senior year all over again.

what if anna leaves without saying goodbye again?

she wouldn't do that.

would she?

nick his face into his pillow, wanting to scream with all the thoughts running through his brain at 100 miles per hour. he would've too if it wasn't for the soft ringing coming from his computer, signaling a call.

he shoved his headphones on, clicking answer as he looked at the call between himself, george and dream, "hey guys."

"merry christmas!" dream yelled, making george laugh, but only causing a small smile to form on the 19-year-old's pained face, "are you good, sap?"

"eh." sapnap shrugged in response, "merry christmas too you guys, by the way."

"thanks sapnap, what's wrong?" george asked, worried about his friend,

"do you really want me too tell you?" nick sighed, causing yes's too fall from the other two boys mouths, "okay- but you can't tell anyone!"

"get on with it sapnap! we're your best friends we aren't gonna tell anyone your business." dream laughed,

"i kissed anna last night."

"what?" dream responded, surprised,

george's eyes opened wide at sapnap's words, "did she- ya know- kiss you back?"

"i mean- yeah, she did. but that's not it i just-" sapnap out his face into his hands, preparing too be teased by his friends, "i told her i loved her."

"you love her?" dream asked, nick humming in response, "wow, i didn't know it was like- wow. that's great, sapnap!"

"once again, did she say it back?" george asked,

"we didn't really get a chance too talk after that, but she said she liked me, if there's a difference." sapnap spoke, thankful for the lack of teasing his friends gave him, "but i'm not sure if she feels exactly the same as i do."

"she said she likes you?" dream questioned,


"then she obviously fucking feels the same, you absolute idiot!"

it was as if the two texans were synced, because anna was having a conversation very alike too nick's at exactly the same time.

"you did what? and he did what? then he said- what!?" katie stammered over the facetime call, her blonde hair shining as the sun reflected off it, "this is amazing news, anna!"

"it's not amazing!" anna matched her friends tone, "all i'm saying is that what if he did it as, i don't know, a heat of the moment thing?" the girl explained, she was just as nervous as nick was,

katie's eyebrows furrowed at anna's confusion, "heat of the moment? anna! for once i'm not gonna blame something on the stars- this is real life!"

"what do you mean?"

"i mean you and nick aren't just some 'meant too be' kind of thing, well- you are in my opinion, but you get what i mean-" katie rambled, shaking her head, "you two are real, it's just love. that's all it is."

"but what if he doesn't think that?" anna frowned, her shoulders slumping against the desk chair,

"i think he's more in love than you seem too understand."

and nick was.

nick armstrong had always been in love with anna, ever since they were young.

he was in love when she finally stood up too her seventh grade bully,

he was in love when she drove him too their first day of school,

and he was in love when he broke her heart.

nick was in love with anna, and maybe, just maybe,
she finally saw that.

merry christmas!

hang later ? :)

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