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white noise was the only sound in the background as the two 19-year-olds scrolled through their phones, another sleepover.

anna still didn't quite understand what was going on between the two of them, and truthfully, neither did nick. it was a constant struggle if whether the other felt the same.

but her thoughts were interrupted as she clicked on twitter, making her sit up quickly, "it's trending already?" anna asked, looking towards nick who was on the floor, the only light in the room being their phones.

sapnap sighed, sitting up as he clicked his phone off, "i told you it's nothing to worry about, it's just fans being fans, anne. on the end they'll respect us."

"but what if they don't?" the girl mimicked his sigh, "i don't want them to hate us."

"anna no one could hate you, you're too perfect." he spoke causally, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world,

anna clicked off her own phone, causing the room too go completely dark, "you think?"

"course' i do, i mean, who wouldn't think- wait-" nick stopped himself as he lied back down, "did you really just get me to admit that?"

anna laughed at the boy, stepping off of her bed and laying down next to him on his pile of pillows and blankets.

nick turned towards her, feeling her breath on his face at their close proximity, but even when his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he still could barley see her.

nonetheless, he pulled the blanket up, pulling her into him, "it's gonna be okay, promise."

his heart was beating as such a fast rate, he felt as if it might jump out of his body altogether- she was making him feel that way.

she simply got close to him, that was it. and the butterflies in his stomach seemed to erupt instantly, his arm hesitantly went around her, pulling her even closer. anna's eyes closed, letting out a soft breath that he felt against his cheek.

"anna?" nick asked, making her hum in response, "can we maybe go on the bed?"

she groaned, pushing her face more into him, "i'm so comfy."

he laughed, his heart rate slowing as he felt less nervous, closing his own eyes as he felt her arm wrap around him the same way he had his.

anna no longer was anxious about the trending page, or how the fans would feel. nick no longer felt like he wasn't good enough.

it was just them.


nick groaned as he felt something push him, pulling a sleeping anna closer to him as he tried to fall back asleep.

"hello? wake up." the push against his back was even harsher that time, causing him to jump awake,

"jesus christ, june- what?" nick rubbed his eyes, pushing june's foot that she had been using to kick him away,

"it's like two in the afternoon, mom needs anna for something, don't ask me." june shrugged, not even mentioning the position her older sister and the boy were in, as if it was normal,

nick sighed, laying back down and closing his eyes. only seconds went by before his eyes opened quickly, sitting up once more, "wait what time did you say it was?"


"two!?" nick yelled, jumping onto his feet and running towards the corner to put his jeans on, making anna sit up herself,

"holy shit, nick! you're in your boxers!" june put her hands over her eyes, spinning around, and running out the door, slamming it behind her,

nick rolled his eyes, "i don't sleep in my jeans, june, god you act like i'm naked."

"what's wrong?" anna's voice cracked as she spoke, his face scrunched as she tried to adjust to the light,

"i was supposed to stream like- now- i gotta go home." he spoke, practically running in circles too look for his things, throwing his sweatshirt on the chair instead of putting in on, as if that would save time.

anna stood up, "what are you looking for?"

"my phone- i literally don't know where it is- shit! i need to leave!" the boy began to panic, spinning in a circle, before anna put her hands on his shoulders to stop him,

"it's alright! just go, i'll bring your stuff over later, okay?" she laughed, running her hand through his messy hair,

he sighed, nerves calming, "okay, see you later?"

she nodded, smiling, before nick leaned down and kissed her goodbye, but when he pulled away his face turned completely red, "i don't know why i- oh my god."

he put his face into his hands, making anna laughed, "it's okay." she pulled his hands down, kissing him once again, "have fun streaming."

he smiled down at her, admiring her for a second before walking out her doors

"holy shit!" june walked in the room shortly after nick left, anna throwing her head back in annoyance as she had just gotten comfortable again,

the girl gave her younger sister a death stare, "what?"

"you and nick! you two- you two kissed before he left, didn't you?" the excitement on her face made anna blush, proving june's suspicions too be true, "that's the same look he gave me! and his face was all red when he walked out! matchmaker june has done it again, folks!"

"you didn't do anything!" anna laughed,

"yes i did! christmas i was making you both blush and look now! dating!"

the older girl's eyebrows furrowed, "we aren't dating, june."

june's jaw dropped, "why not?"

"because-" anna stopped herself, "i'm not really sure."

"is it because you're leaving?"

anna stopped for a moment once more, she hadn't even thought about that. she was leaving. she was going back to school and nick was going to florida, "i didn't even think of that."

june's face suddenly became very soft, very unlike herself, as she went and sat down next to anna on her bed, "i didn't mean it like that- you two are made for each other anna! you know this! distance can't hurt you guys."

anna gave her sister a smile, hugging her tightly, "you're right. besides he's probably not going to ask me out anyway."


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