Chapter 6

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Wasn't supposed to update but I love you all so here you go💜💜

Wasn't supposed to update but I love you all so here you go💜💜

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————— ✧✧✧✧ —————

Knock Knock!

Jungkook looks at The door with a confused expression. It's a said rule when he is with a patient No other person should enter without his permission.

He stood up after giving a small apologetic smile to Tas before going and open the door. "Who's this I have said Not To Come– Jin hyung? What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked still not letting Jin get in.

"Let me atleast come in! Are you with a patient??" Jin asked while rubbing his neck embarrassingly.

"Yeah, Kim Taehyung is in." Jungkook shrugged.

"Kim Taehyung?? As in The One Cute Taehyung you were talking about... Woah let me meet him–mmm" Jungkook's eyes widened as he quickly shushed Jin By putting his hand on Jin's mouth. He hurriedly looked back at Taehyung who wasn't looking at them. It made him sigh in relief since He thought Tae didn't listen them but who's gonna tell him he did...Tae had bright red cheeks, the tip of his ears where also red.

"What do you want hyung? Why are you here" Jin smiled after Jungkook removed his hand.

"Just stopped by to pick you up so that we can go out together..." Jin rolled his eyes.

Jungkook scoffed opening the door wider for Jin to Enter Which is unprofessional of him but eh Jin is himself a Psychologist so it's fine.

Jin entered and sat on the sofa "Hey, Taehyung" Tae looked at him and smiled awkwardly.

"Hii uhh..."

"Seokjin but you can call me Jin hyung" Jin completed with a smile.

"Hii  Jin hyung" Tae smiled.

"Did you like the cookies I send for you?" Jin asked after settling down on the sofa since Tae was on the chair while jungkook internally face palmed.

"For me?? I thought they were...." Tae trailed looking at jungkook who smiled a bit nervous as he was rubbing his nape. It almost made Tae giggle looking at the oh so confident Jungkook being nervous.

"...Wait did he not give you any cookies??" Jin glared at jungkook who shooked his head as no continuously.

"He did gave me some saying that he wanted to share??" Tae said in confusion while Jungkook face palmed and then waved his hand infront of his throat mouthing 'I'm dead', Tae giggled his boxy smile in view which according to Jin is the most beautiful smile he have ever seen— after his fiancé Namjoon's of course nothing can beat that dimple smile. (Fite me✊)

"I told him to give the whole to you. I sended that for you" Jin gave a 'bitch the fuck' look to jungkook who smiled innocently.

"Why though??" Tae asked confused.

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