Chapter 15

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Jungkook kept pacing around in a circle, thinking on should he do it or should he not. Well our Bunny boy is standing infront of Taehyung's house in 3 fucking am.

Jeon Jungkook couldn't sleep after the nightmare he got about Taehyung and he just wanted to make sure that Tae is completely fine but now that he is finally here he is hesitating to call Taehyung. Why? Because What if he woke him up from his sleep? Ridiculous?? Jungkook's whole behaviour is ridiculous but what to do....

“Hey Jungkook What are you doing here??” Jungkook looked up to see yoongi standing at the door, a glass of water in his hand.

“Uh... Actually....”

“Actually what??”

“Actually I saw a nightmare of Tae being hurt and I couldn't stop myself from coming here... It was actually rubbish I mean he is probably sleeping nicely I didn't mean to disturb him” Jungkook rubbed his nape embarassed because how dumb he was sounding right now.

Meanwhile Yoongi’s eyes softened, for him it didn't sounded stupid heck he himself would do the same if he saw a nightmare related to any three.

“Oh well I can go and check up on your boyfriend if you want” yoongi smiled, jungkook eyes sparkled as he quickly nodded oh and the your boyfriend did something inside his heart. It's been a week since they are officially together.

No one except their hyung’s know they are together well after getting in the relationship tae asked him if they can keep their relationship secret... He is still not confident enough to accept his sexuality infront of anyone he don't know, jungkook understood and agreed. As much as he wants the whole world to know that this precious baby is his boyfriend, what Taehyung wants is more important to him.

“Yes please hyung” Yoongi nodded and closed the door to go and check up on Taehyung.

He went inside his room and switch on the lights and went near Taehyung. He could see sweat on his forehead and Taehyung was flinching in his sleep.

“Tae?? Hey TaeBear wake up... Tae!!” Yoongi softly shaked Tae to get him out of the nightmare he is going through.

“huh!?” Tae opened his eyes, looking around in confusion. “W-what happened??” He asked looking at yoongi who was quite worried.

“You were having a nightmare” Yoongi said simply patting his head to calm him down Tae sometimes get startled if suddenly woked up that's why they have to give any kind of physical reassurance that everything is fine. Tae sat up on the bed rubbing his eyes.

“Sorry hyung did I woke you up??” Tae asked with a hint of guilt.

“No TaeTae not at all. Actually your boyfriend is here” Yoongi smiled gawd he don't know how jungkook knew that tae is having a hard time.

“Jungkook?? What is he doing here?? What's time is it?.” Tae looked at the time and his eyes widened.

“It’s 3am what the fuck is he doing here??” Tae quickly got up as yoongi shrugged innocently.

“How would I know ask your lover boy” Tae blushed.

“Can I go and meet him” Tae asked biting his lips.

“Of course baby bear Just wash your face, you don't want to him with tear stained face do you??” Yoongi smiled ruffling his hair. Tae touched near his eyes and felt tears he nodded and went in bathroom to wash his face.

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