Chapter 3

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~ means time skip by the way 👀
Unedited 💀🔪

~ means time skip by the way 👀Unedited 💀🔪

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Taehyung made his way towards his-their house. He didn't bothered to knock and just open the door with spare key since he knew everyone would be out at work. After The Therapy he went to cafe to get a hot chocolate-since he don't like coffee-drive through which he emptied by now.

He opened the door and was attacked on his legs. He looked down and immediately smiled widely at the over excited baby who is jumping on him. He bend down shutting the door behind him.

"Did you missed me that much, baby?" In response he got a lick on his face making him chuckle. "Aisshh!! I love you so much, Tannie" he got a excited bark in return. (I'm not jealous 😃 I don't want a bunny as a pet nope I don't 😭🔪)

He picked the cute Dog in his arm and walked inside his bedroom. He placed Yeontan, His Baby Dog on bed and went inside bathroom to get freshen up.

Taehyung stripped and got inside shower. He closed his eyes as the water fall over his naked body as he thought of..... everything. From childhood to Till now... From deciding to go for a hypnotherapist to actually meeting one today.

He don't know why But being in a shower always calms his nerves... Just close your eyes and let everything go with water. He always felt refresh after a long shower not just physically but mentally as well. They say only your bed or Bathroom knows how much you have suffered.. how much you have cried perhaps they didn't lied.

He turned around back against the wall as his eyes fell on his wrist or more specifically a scar on his wrist. It's very light almost invisible at first look. He smiled at it... Many will think what's their to be happy about it? It's not something you should do... No one should do this and it's correct harming yourself is not and never a option.

But what Taehyung makes smile is what the story it holds... Story after he did this. It wasn't to kill himself he always said when he was a youngster and still now he says killing yourself is for weak people and he is his hyungs strong baby isn't he?

It's like a reminder... A reminder to never do that ever again because for time being it will calm him but eventually it will leave a scar... A scar he can never erase and that's what stops him from doing more... And that's why he don't have more than one..... It's all about how you see things... Many will see it as weakness but he sees this as his strength. This one scar stops him from having more. It reminds him how a stupid overthinking can give his skin so much damage.

If he can he will undo this one too but you can't control what has happened what you can do control is how you take it... How you deal with it...

How you deal with your mess?? cry over it? Or take it as a experience??? Wanna see yourself as a victim or see yourself as a survivor? It's all up to you.

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