Chapter 11

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Unedited - Actually all the chapters are mostly unedited so eh Whatever hehe hope you'll enjoy :)

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Unedited - Actually all the chapters are mostly unedited so eh Whatever hehe hope you'll enjoy :)

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"Jungkook-ah, Jin is calling apparently he is having some mental breakdown. Pleasee go and deal with his dramatic ass" Jungkook and Taehyung looked at Jenna as they were between Some conversation.


"How would I know?? Go and see!" Jenna shrugged as Jungkook frowned.

"Why? Isn't that your job??"

"Okay then greet the guests and take care of them" She said smugly knowing very well Jungkook would do everything to stay the fuck away from the so called relatives. He hates them - but then again who doesn't.

"Where is Jin hyung?? Taehyung let's go!!" He said immediately and dragged Taehyung with him who looked at him amusely.

"Jungkook!!" Jenna called out.


"You are going in wrong direction" She said hiding her giggle. "Jin's room is that way"

"Oh" he whispered embarrassed before looking at Taehyung "let's go Tae" Taehyung giggled looking back at Jenna who winked at him playfully without a reason before dramatically turning around and going to attend a guest who have just arrived.

Jungkook knocked on the door Taehyung standing next to him. The door opened by a lady. "Yeah??" She asked bitting her lips eyeing jungkook up and down.

"Uhh Jin hyung is there??" He asked awkwardly.

"No... But I'm here what is it??" She asked flirtly and don't way but Taehyung somehow didn't liked the way she was looking at Jungkook. He couldn't understand why he was feeling that way.

Before Jungkook could reply the door behind them opened. "Jungkook!? Where is mum??" He asked only his head outside.

Tae and Jungkook turned around. "Oh you are here!" Jungkook exclaimed somehow relief he got away with the obvious flirty behaviour coming from the unknown girl.

He turned towards her giving her a apologetic smile. "Sorry for disturbing I found him" Before the girl could say anything he immediately got inside Jin's room pulling Tae along with him.

He let out a deep breathe he didn't knew he was holding before he looked at Jin who was still in a bathrobe.

"Hyung why are you not ready yet?? All the guests have almost arrived" He exclaimed.

"I know that idiot but theirs a problem oh and by the way hey Taehyung I'm glad you camed"

"Hii hyung I'm happy to come too" Tae smiled as Jin smiled back

"What problem??"

"Where's mum??"

"Mom's busy, you tell me what happened I can help"

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