Chapter 16

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"Kookkiiieeee" Taehyung whined for the nth time but Jungkook ignored it, walking even faster so they could pass the sweet shop soon. Well Taekook have just came out of Jungkook's clinic after the therapy. It's been almost a month since Tae's last therapy is going on where Tae would eventually have to stop eating chocolates.

Till now everything was fine, Since he got to eat chocolates, less, yes but still he had the privilege of it but now when his limit have come to 10-15 chocolates per day, Jungkook have told him to completely stop eating it which leads them to the current situation.

Taehyung haven't stopped whining from last half an hour that he wants to eat chocolates now it's not a suprise that Jeon Jungkook is the whipp-est boy in the whole universe (your words not mine), He still has to help Tae. As hard it is to ignore Tae's puppy eyes and pouty lips, the poor guy is enduring it.

"You are not gonna get those, Don't even try your antics on me." Jungkook shouted turning to look at Taehyung who was standing in front of the shop like a kicked puppy, trying his best to have Jungkook in his trap but ehh it's not gonna work.

"But Koookkkiiee they have a new flavoured candy pleasssee just one" Tae pouted.

Jungkook sighed in defeat rubbing his face and Taehyung wanted to dance in victory because he thought he won.

"What are you? Five?? No means no C'mon baby let's go. I wanna make you meet someone" Jungkook said tiredly. Taehyung grumbled whining Going towards Jungkook like a penguin while mumbling something incornient, probably cursing the shit out of Jungkook but ehh Jungkook's used to his boyfriend's antics.

"You know I hate you" Tae talked in tiny with his pouty lips, They seemed to be pouting 24/7.

"Yeah I know and I love you too now Stop pouting or I would kiss you right now. I'm sure you don't want that in the middle of road now do you??" Jungkook wetted his dried lips, eyes on Tae's lips making him immediately stop pouting.

"You are coward you won't" Jungkook won't of course he won't do something Tae is not very confident about but something, a very very tiny winy part of him wants Jungkook to do it. Grab him by his tiny waist, kiss him like theirs no tomorrow, show everyone that he belongs to him and him only, take him right then and there and - ok I'll stop.

"Oh No you didn't said that" Jungkook shakes his head going right infront of Taehyung. Their chest almost touching together, breathes mingling. Taehyung hopes Jungkook can't hear his heart beat coming from his ready to explode heart, the air around them tensed suddenly.

Jungkook tilted his head to come as close as he can with Taehyung. His lip right infront of Tae's one push and it would be connected perfectly.

"Say Love You want me to kiss you and I'll do it right now right here, Tell me what you want and i'll give it to you." Jungkook's breathe hitting on Taehyung's lip making him crave it, wanting it just the way he likes.

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