16 Harem x Kakashi

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(AU: Modern. All of the sensei's in Naruto are now high school students at Konaha Academy. All of their students are now first years, while they're third years; about to graduate.)

Kakashi had very few friends. The only ones being Obito Uchiha, Might Guy, Asuma Sarutobi, and Itachi Uchiha.
The two Uchiha's were cousins, so obviously they'd be friends. It was just coincidence that Kakashi knew both of them.
Guy on the other hand, he's known Kakashi since they were in primary school. He just kind of clung to him and wouldn't let go.
Asuma was a friend of a friend, and they grew to enjoy each other's company. He certainly balanced out the five of them.
Then there was Yamato. Kakashi called him Tenzo, the Kanji meant Great Harmony. Kakashi liked Tenzo a fair amount. He was a second year, a year younger than him, but he looked up to the other man. He would do things for him without questioning if he should, and Kakashi admired that. He didn't really see him as a close friend though, he saw him as a pupil, or a student.
Kakashi couldn't deal with the older Uchiha. He was obnoxious, caused problems, and fought with everybody. It didn't help that Itachi was one of the delinquent kids, often helping Obito with fist fights. Kakashi had to admit that they were skilled in jujitsu though.
Itachi did always make it a point to not fight in front of his freshman brother, Sasuke. When asked about it, he said he didn't want to set a bad example. Kakashi thought that all of his friends were strange.
All he wanted to do was read in peace, but even that was too much to ask of them.

"Bakashi, why are you wearing that scarf? It's like a hundred degrees outside." Obito whined, fanning himself with his friends book that he had found laying next to him.
With the school uniforms they had to wear, that they hadn't changed out of yet, Obito was sweating buckets. He had his outer jacket on the floor and his tie pulled loose.

"I don't think it's that hot." Kakashi was wearing the same uniform, but was keeping all of his clothes on accordingly.
He narrowed his eyes, trying to focus on the moving object the Uchiha was using as a fan.
Once he realized it was his book, he snatched it from Obito's hands.

"Where is Itoko? He should've been here with our food by now." It seemed all Obito knew how to do was whine.

"I'm sure Asuma-san and Guy held him up at the store. Do you want to go check on them?" Kakashi offered, pulling his green scarf over the white surgical mask, that was already concealing his features. It was something he did often, out of habit.

"No, that sounds like even more work. I'd rather starve than walk out in this heat." As Obito was complaining once again, an idea popped into his hollow head of a skull.
"We should go to the beach!" He said enthusiastically.

"That sounds like a great idea." Guy smiled from behind them.

"Finally. That took you guys forever." Obito stood up and hovered over the plastic bags in Itachi and Asuma's arms, trying to pick which item he wanted first.

"Nu-uh Jūkei. Kakashi paid, Kakashi gets fist dibs." Itachi turned away from his older cousin and knelt down to offer the snacks to the small third year.

Kakashi was the oldest of the five of them. It was just a couple of months or days of a gap, but he was the oldest. Kakashi was freshly turned eighteen, while the rest of them were seventeen. That meant that Kakashi could drive, while the rest of them couldn't. Asuma had a car he didn't have a license for, so he lent it to Kakashi most of the time, or made him drive when they were going somewhere.
With all the perks of being older than them, he lacked out in the height department. Or really just puberty in general.
He was still just over five feet tall, while Asuma, Guy, Itachi, and Obito, were almost six foot. If you were to line the five of them up from tallest to shortest, it would go: Obito, Guy, Itachi, Asuma, then last but not least, Kakashi.
His voice was pretty deep though, mainly due to his lack of expression. But if he were to show any sign of emotion his voice would hitch a couple octaves.
No one really knew what his face looked like, excepted for Guy, Asuma, Itachi, and Obito. Basiclly all the people he ate in front of.
Sure Kakashi was insecure about these things, but he didn't mind all too much. He was more worried about covering up the obvious mark on his face, than any of the things that most people cared about.

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