24 Minato x Kakashi ❤️

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‼️-I don't mean to offend anyone in the LGBTQ+ community if I do. This is just a scenario I created where Kakashi is struggling to label his sexuality and Minato helps him find it.-‼️

Kakashi had always struggled with his identity. What personality he showcased, and what morals he lived up to. These two things often changed and conflicted each other. Even at 23, he was still oblivious to his wants and preferences. His sexuality was never on his mind until his teammate Rin came out as bisexual when she was 17. This event got him thinking, who was he and who did he want to be? He was never one to think too hard about the future, and the last thing he needed on his mind was a slough of what-ifs, but the only thing he knew about himself was that he didn't know anything. All Kakashi could do was live in the present, and hold what was dear to him close. But what if answers become more important than everything else? What if Kakashi can't live without knowing who he was? But who can he reach out to? He'll be mocked for acting like such a child and being ignorant. Maybe there's one person he could talk to.

"Minato-sensei? A minute please?" Kakashi asked, waving down his teacher after training had ended and his team had left.

"Yes Kakashi? What did you need?" Minato smiled pleasantly, as he was barely fatigued from training, unlike Obito and Rin had been.

"I had a question..." Kakashi mumbled, his confidence beginning to fade with every passing second.

"Hm?" Minato was very patient with his youngest student. He knew how fragile he was, internally and externally.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to." The Jonin picked at his fingers anxiously, creating hang nails at the edges of his fingernails. He chuckled nervously to relieve his own tension.

"What is it Kakashi?" Minato chuckled, amused by the amount of embarrassment in the boy's demeanor.

"Your relationship with Kushina...You're heterosexual, right?" Kakashi glanced up at his teacher before looking at the ground in shame.

"Oh, well, not entirely." Minato smiled again, hopefully answering Kakashi's question.

"What do you mean by that?" Kakashi perked his head up in curiosity.

"I'm pansexual." Minato couldn't help but smile at Kakashi's ignorance.

"I-I had no idea." Kakashi bowed, having no reason to.

"Lift your head Kakashi." Minato demanded softly. "Why ask such a question anyway?" He asked.

"I was..." Kakashi paused. "Can we talk about this in private?" He asked sheepishly.

"Sure." Minato agreed.

They walked quietly towards Kakashi's home. Both parties had all sorts of questions. On Minato's side of the scale it was really just curiosity. "Why was Kakashi so surprised?", "Why did he ask that question in the first place?".
But for Kakashi he was nothing but stressed. His questions were more about himself. "How does Minato-sensei already have himself figured out?!", "Am I really just a child?", "Why am I so dense?", "Why can't I understand my own mind?!".

Once they made it to the younger Jonin's home, the two of them sat on the nearest piece of furniture, relaxing slightly.

"What did you need to say Kakashi?" Minato asked, being very patient with his student, even if he didn't know what he was waiting on.

Kakashi was silent for a moment, but soon summoned enough courage to speak.
"I wanted some advice..." He said, looking over at his sensei for any reply.

"About what?" Minato smiled soundly, more amused by Kakashi's embarrassment then he should have been.

"You have yourself figured out, your sexuality I mean. How did you do that?" Kakashi asked, throwing any prior bashfulness away.

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