Chapter 8

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Azriel hadn't moved all night, and Gwyn hadn't stirred in his arms, she was still sleeping soundly, snuggled into his chest. Azriel cradled her against him, waiting for her to wake up on her own. She showed no signs of waking even an hour later, and they'd soon be late to training, not to mention his wing was cramping up from where she'd wriggled slightly onto it half an hour ago. He subtly sent a shadow to open the blinds, sending sunlight flooding into the room, bathing everything in a rosy glow. Gwyn scrunched up her nose, hiding her face against him, the light making her stir and blink open her eyes. She froze as she realized where she was, but smiled, and released Azriel's wing,

"Sorry," she mumbled, "You should have just shoved me off, y'know,"

"I didn't want to wake you," he muttered, brushing the hair out of her face, "You were so calm,"

"I was asleep, so obviously,"

"Still, I didn't want to incur the wrath of waking you, either,"

"I'm not that bad!" She protested,

"Oh really?" He chuckled, "Nesta told me one time you launched a full-on pillow assault because she woke you at the time you usually get up." Gwyn glared at him,

"Nesta needs to mind her own business," she mumbled, "I was tired." Azriel snorted, and got up, ignoring Gwyn's squawk of complaint,

"I thought I was supposed to push you off, make up your mind," he laughed, turning to grab a set of leathers from the wardrobe,



A pillow smacked him in the back of the head, and he turned to find Gwyn grinning triumphantly at him from where she sat on the bed. She squeaked and dived under the duvet when he picked up the pillow and tossed it into the air a few times, before throwing it back at the lump under the duvet,

"Asshole!" Came the muffled response, and he chuckled before ducking into the bathroom to change, grunting when his face met another pillow the moment he returned. Gwyn giggled, and threw another one that he barely managed to dodge, before crossing to the bed and grabbing the last pillow off her. He chuckled when she dived off the bed, grabbing the pillows she had thrown earlier. She threw one, and then pounced, smacking him with the pillow again and again, until he laughed, 

"I surrender! You win, oh mighty Valkyrie." Gwyn huffed, and let him up, grinning to herself as she ran out of the room to get her own leathers. Azriel chuckled to himself as she ran out,

Ask her to dinner.

What? No, don't be stupid.

Ask. Her. To. Dinner.

Stay out of this, just do your jobs.

Our job is to help you. We're helping you. Ask her to dinner.

Gwyn returned before he could respond, 

"Az, you're supposed to be teaching, it'd be absolutely disgraceful if you were late." Gwyn sauntered back out, leaving Azriel to roll his eyes and follow her. 


Nesta was already there when Gwyn reached the training ring, 

"Are you planning anything today?" She asked, and Nesta shook her head,

"I was supposed to have lunch with Elain, but she's still not speaking to me after I shouted at her."


"For upsetting you. She's mad, thinks I should be mad at you for being happy, and Az for being an idiot." Azriel winced as he overheard their conversation. "I shouted at her after you left, made her cry actually." Gwyn glanced away,

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