Chapter 34

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Amren planted her hands on her hips as she stared at the book, no longer glowing, no longer surrounded by darkness, just, just a regular book.

"I've never seen it before," she admitted, and narrowed her eyes at it, "It looks promising though," she raised an eyebrow at Rhys, and a phantom wind blew the book open. Gwyn let out a little gasp as power filled the air, and Azriel tugged her closer, angling to jump between her and the book. She patted his arm, and leaned into him, forcing her body to relax until his did as well. Amren had stepped closer, studying the page, and cautiously reached out to flick the page over. Nothing. No reaction, 

"It was real," Azriel reminded her, and Gwyn nodded, but still shot a dirty look at the book, sensing its vile amusement,

"What is it?" She murmured, and Amren shook her head,

"No idea, but thank you for finding it," Gwyn nodded, some sort of tension in her bones releasing when Amren snapped the book closed and heaved it off the table, "I shall let you know if I find anything," she said to Feyre, who nodded, still a little pale after what Gwyn had told her about it, not from fear, not Feyre, but from guilt that she hadn't heard Gwyn's silent shouts for help, but neither had Rhys. Thankfully, no-one had commented on how Azriel had heard her, no-one had commented on the pure rage still radiating off him, the almost obsessive way he was watching everything and everyone for a threat, but when she pushed his arm away, he released her. 

"You should go and rest," Feyre said, concern glimmering in her eyes, "You've been through a lot,"

"I'm fine," Gwyn insisted, "I just need food, and I believe Elain's been in the kitchen with Cerridwen this morning, we're just in time for lunch," Gwyn smiled to herself when Nesta chuckled, nudging Emerie out of the door, but before she could follow them, Azriel dropped a kiss atop her head,

"You leave me in awe of you every time something goes wrong," he murmured, "You're so strong,"

"I love you," she murmured, and led him out of the office, "Food, come on."

Azriel allowed her to pull him to the dining room, where Elain and Cerridwen were indeed setting out plates, and Nesta was staring impatiently at the doorway they came through, Rhys, Feyre and Cassian on their heels. Gwyn slid into a chair opposite her sisters, leaving space beside her for Azriel, knowing full well that his protective instincts were going crazy, and he needed to be near her on an unconscious level. She stifled a chuckle as he leaned on the table, a wing unconsciously flaring out to wrap around her, Nesta raised an eyebrow, but Gwyn subtly shook her head. Azriel needing to know she was safe didn't bother her, rather it made her feel loved, and yes, it made her feel safe, but that was just his presence, but this, it made her feel wanted like never before.

Despite her worries about the book, the war, the healers, Elain's herbs, it was a welcome reprieve to spend an hour with her family, Elain and Cerridwen's cooking being far beyond Gwyn's own capabilities. Nesta, Cauldron bless her, had taken one look at Gwyn once the food had been served and had masterfully steered conversation away from anything and everything they had to worry about. Unsurprisingly, Rhys had caught on to her plan, surprisingly, he had played along, not bothering to compete with Nesta, perhaps sensing the strain on everyone the same way she had. Although, she had to admit, the conversation alone wouldn't likely have been enough to truly distract her, had she not heard a a cry from the kitchen, and seen Elain emerge with baby Nyx in her arms,

"Go see Mama," she cooed, winking at Feyre from across the table, who reached out her arms to scoop up her son,

"Have you been cooking with Auntie Elain? Are you gonna be my little chef?" Nyx stared up at his mother with wide eyes, and sneezed, but grinned, almost to himself. There was something about babies, all children, that made Gwyn's heart absolutely melt, and perhaps it was Nyx himself, but her heart hadn't felt this light for a very long time, perhaps since before, she shook her head to dispel the image, and laughed at the sight of Nyx wriggling and flapping his little wings, smacking Feyre in the face a few times before she was able to catch him, grinning gleefully, mischief shining in his eyes.

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