Chapter 13

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Gwyn laughed when she met Emerie's eyes, and the Illyrian female squealed at the sight of her and raced towards her, almost crushing her ribs as she wrapped her arms around her,

"Why didn't you tell me what you were doing? Gods, Mor showed up and told me what had happened and that you were off Cauldron knows where on your own to try and fix it! What were you thinking?"

"Good you see you too, Em,"

"Gwyn! I was so worried." Emerie spun Gwyn around, twice, "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. And I was thinking about them," And about him, but she couldn't quite voice that, not yet, not until she was sure he was okay with her voicing that. "And I wasn't alone, Rhysand went with me."

"He wasn't supposed to go into the keep at all,"

"He did, he helped us get out." Emerie narrowed her eyes,

"If you ever pull that kind of shit again,"

"I know, I know," Gwyn threw her arms around Emerie, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was going, I should have." Emerie huffed, but sighed, 


"With Cassian."

"And is he-"

"He's okay, recovering, but Madja says he'll be fine, he just needs a bit of time to rest." Emerie nodded, "C'mon, let's go see them." Despite Emerie's presence, Azriel clasped Gwyn's hand tightly in his as they walked up to Nesta and Cassian's room. He didn't let go when Emerie knocked on the door, nor when Nesta answered it. Gwyn smiled to herself at the way Nesta's face lit up at the sight of their sister, the tiredness in her eyes fading, she even stood up straighter as she grinned,

"I should have come earlier, I can't leave you alone for five minutes," Emerie chuckled, "I'll be visiting more often now, Mor's offered me a spare room in the townhouse so I can stay here sometimes." Emerie nudged Nesta back into the room, running her eyes over her, "Sit." she ordered, and a piece of chocolate cake appeared in her hands moments later, "For the miniature pegasus."

"For the miniature pegasus," Nesta echoed, and smiled as she took the plate from Emerie, 

"How's Cassian?"

"Being a stubborn ass, as per usual," Nesta mumbled, "So he's fine. Sleeping, but fine." Emerie glanced across to the lump under the blankets on the bed, and raised an eyebrow at Nesta, "I'm fine, Em, I'm fine." Oh really? Gwyn tilted her head to the side, and Nesta rolled her eyes, "I am. I'm fine, I promise." Azriel shook his head gently,

"A wonder that none of you are daemati with that trick," he whispered, and Gwyn had to hold in a giggle, instead prodding him in the side. The movement drew Emerie's attention, and she noted their joined hands, but smiled and didn't comment, at least not yet. Gwyn groaned inwardly and mentally prepared herself for the bombardment she was sure to get the moment she and Emerie had a chance to talk. Emerie had already settled on a couch beside Nesta, but before Gwyn had chosen a seat, the lump on the bed moved, and promptly fell onto the floor.

"Cass!" Nesta all but threw the cake aside as she ran to help him up. He groaned, but gently, just complaining, not actually in pain. Gwyn did snort when he shook his head, his hair flicking around like a wolf's might after a swim.

"Hello, Cassian," Emerie chuckled, and he raised a hand in greeting, allowing Nesta to lift him back onto the bed, but refused to lie back down, insisting that he was okay, that he hadn't hurt himself. Nesta fussed for another few moments, before retrieving the cake,

"How's Windhaven?" Cassian fixed Emerie with a look, clearly desperate for any idea of how soon he might need to be back on his feet properly,

"Rainy and cold, I'm sure you remember it." Emerie said, quickly deflecting the question, "Do you mind if I help you with those?" She gestured to his wings, still bandaged, still clearly painful, and he nodded, allowing her to move and sit beside him, "You don't have to carry them the same as when they're uninjured." She gently guided his wings to sit lower, more relaxed, and his whole body eased, the tension from the pain diminishing. "If they keep hurting, ask Madja for arnicana, when your wings are injured, even if its not the main cause, the muscles tighten up, arnicana salve helps them to relax, and lessens the pain. Nesta can help with that." Cassian grunted noncommittally, "It's not weak to admit you need help recovering, I still have to use arnicana at least once a week for mine, it's just something to help, I can get my hands on some extra if Madja hasn't got any, it can be difficult to get outside of Illyria." Cassian smiled,

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