Chapter 32

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Gwyn had been staring out of the window for too long when the telltale twin beat of wings finally sounded. She leaned out of the window, cursing at the sight of only a red gleam in the darkness of the night. She'd missed him, and it took every ounce of self control not to run out of the room to find him, no, he might need a moment to switch from mission to home frame of mind, she could give him a moment to get his head back together. Still, she hardly seemed to be breathing, the air around her stilling until a shadow slipped under the door, the handle starting to move.

She'd planned to stay calm, but seeing him standing there, whole, uninjured, no sign of a fight, his hazel eyes burning with joy, the worry she'd been ignoring hit her in the face all at once. She let out a whimper of relief as she flew across the floor, covering the few steps in a few heartbeats. Azriel grunted with the effort of standing as she threw herself into his arms, cupping his face with both hands, her legs wrapped around his waist. He smiled at her as he shifted her weight to one hand to close the door behind him,

"I missed you too, love," he murmured, his voice low, slightly hoarse, and Gwyn drew in a shuddering breath, no longer fighting the tears that had been threatening to fall. She didn't need words as she buried her face in his neck, his scent, his arms, his shadows, his wings wrapping around her. Home. She was finally home. He was finally home. Azriel held her in silence as she shook with the silent tears slipping down her face, holding her up with one hand, the other stroking her hair, winding it around his fingers, tying and untying little braids, content to merely hold her as long as she needed.

Azriel didn't move, hadn't moved when Gwyn lifted her head, cupping his face again, almost in disbelief that he was there. She smiled. She smiled and a tear slipped down Azriel's face,

"You're exquisite," he whispered, "The most beautiful female I've ever seen, no, forget that, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever had the honor of laying eyes upon, and when you smile, gods," he groaned in emphasis, "It takes everything in me not to pull you closer, to snarl at any male who sees, because finally, this beautiful female, gorgeous inside and out, is mine. The one thing I wanted more than anything else, and you chose me too." Gwyn's breath caught in her throat, 

"How could I not choose you?" She whispered, as if afraid that speaking louder might ruin the illusion, "You are everything I ever dreamed of, everything I hoped for as a little girl dreaming up the male I would marry, everything I wanted, and so much more. You have a kind heart, a beautiful soul, everything about you feels right, you are my mirror, Az, and it wasn't your face or body that drew me in, gorgeous as they are, it was the way that I knew, before I ever laid eyes on you, that you were mine. And I'm never letting go, not until death, and even then, I'll tear apart the very Cauldron to get back to you, I will not let as simple a thing as death stand between us, not now, and not ever. Every piece of my heart belongs to you and you only. I love you."

"Say it again."

"I love you, Azriel."

Gwyn had hardly taken another breath before his lips were on hers, his hand plunging into her hair, tugging gently to tip her head back. She gasped for breath when he moved, her backside hitting the mattress, then her back. Azriel was shaking as he hovered above her, unmoving as she tried to tug him down,

"Az. I need you, kiss me, please." He did, Mother above, he did. It was nothing like the kisses they'd shared before, this kiss was full of fire and longing, promise and hope, it was the kiss that she had only read about, the kind that left both of them panting. Azriel kissed her with a fervor that could only come from being separated, if only for a day and a half, and she yielded to him, wanted to yield to him, to let him in as she had never allowed anyone to. As his tongue swept against hers, as he claimed her mouth, an ache settled deep in her belly, and she couldn't help but wonder what his mouth, his tongue would feel like elsewhere. Her head fell back, Azriel's hand at the back of her head guiding her to tilt her head sideways, exposing the skin of her jaw and neck, and her eyes fluttered shut as his lips made their way up her jaw, pressing against the skin underneath her ear. She whined in protest when he pulled away, only to renew his attention on her neck, easily seeking out the spots that made her moan his name, the spots that sent heat flooding through her, pooling in her belly. He dragged his lips up her neck, and her hips lifted of their own volition. Azriel pulled back, only to flash her a cocky smirk as he moved a hand to her waist to push her back down, his weight, the almost-order didn't come close to frightening her, his weight atop her was comforting, she was somewhere that she would always be safe, somewhere that no-one would ever be allowed to hurt her, and she was more than happy to allow him to guide her.

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