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Hi guys! I'm not quite finished with chapter 24 and I'm not gonna have my laptop for a week, so I won't be able to post on my phone, so to make up for it, here's a quick teaser until I can get the chapter posted up here. If you can't wait, I should be able to post to my tumblr and Ao3, both under the same name.


She narrowed her eyes at Azriel's brother, who fell still, but she was no fool, and nudged him, encouraging him to try to get up, pretending she hadn't noticed. When he moved, she grabbed hold of one of the bags, swinging it as hard as she could into the side of his head, and winced when he crumpled to the floor, eyes rolling back in his head as he fell.

Azriel was there in moments, laughing quietly as he took the bag, swinging it once,

"Quite a weapon,"

"You said to whack him, I did."

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