Saturday Part II

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   You, Kogane, and Sakunami had gone over to the bouncy house and were jumping around. You and Sakunami kept tackling each other while Kogane just jumped around (he wanted to join in, but didn't because he was afraid of hurting y'all due to his size) You played in there for like 10 minutes before feeling your phone vibrate.

   "What happened?" Sakunami asked, coming up to peer over your shoulder like a worried parent.

   "So apparently Kamasaki randomly pulled Kenji away from us and then Kenji couldn't find us again." You explained to them what Kenji explained to you.

   The three of you wandered around for a bit. You then suddenly felt someone brush up against you and wrap their arms around you. You looked behind you to see Kenji.

   "Hey." Kenji said.

   "Oh, hey." You said back, surprised by his sudden appearance. "You scared the shit outta me." You told Kenji.

   "Oh, sorry."

   You turned around to hug him back. "To be honest, I kinda missed you, dumbass."

*Feel This Moment by Pitbull and Christina Aguilera starts playing*

   "Yo, come here. I wanna show you something!" Kenji randomly said and started pulling your arm.

   "Hey, wait!" You yelled out in surprise. "What about Kogane and Sakunami?"

   "Leave 'em. They'll live." You matched Kenji's speed and walked right next to him. He took this opportunity to put his arm around you. He then led you outside to the football field (very cliche I know).

   "What we doing here?" You asked.

   "Well, look." He quietly replied motioning upwards. You looked up to see a million super pretty stars.

   "Wow." You breathed out. "They're so pretty."

   "Yeah, I know." Kenji agreed. "But you know what's prettier though?" He asked you.

   You felt your face start to heat up and get red (but since you were in the dark it wasn't really obvious) "What?" You asked him.

   "Me, bitch." Kenji answered. "I mean, isn't it obvious?"

   "Damn, you little mother-" you growled before tackling him to the ground.

   "Ahh!!" Kenji yelled, while laughing. You climbed on top of him and preceded to beat him up.

   "No, I will not be beat up by a-" Kenji started.

   "A what?!" You cut him off. "By a what, Futakuchi?" You continued to hit him while he just shielded his face. "A girl, you being beat up by a girl, huh?!"

   "Ah, yes ma'am. Beat me the fuck up!!" Kenji yelled back at you.

   You abruptly stopped hitting him. "Wait what?"

   "What?" Kenji growled. He used your time of confusion to push you off him and got on top of you instead. "Whatcha gonna do now?" He asked you teasingly.

   "Hmm..." you hummed in thought. "This." You trapped his feet with yours and brought up your knee to lightly knee him in his stomach. "How 'bout dat?" You asked him, sitting on top of him.

   "Bad idea." Kenji groaned in response.

   "What do you mean by th-" you started before knowing (feeling) what he meant. You quickly scrambled off of him and allowed him to get up.

   "Sick bastard." You growled at him.

   " Why you mad at me? It was your fault, after all." Kenji pointed out.

   "Yeah, whatever. Not even."

   "Do you want to go back now?" Kenji asked you.

   "I don't know, I kind of like it here." You admitted, while looking up. You also moved a little bit closer to him, much to his surprise, and rested your head against his chest. Kenji flinched in surprise, but then wrapped his arms around you again. He even got comfortable enough to rest his head on top of yours. "What now?" You asked him calmly.

"I don't know." Kenji replied, just as calmly. It was weird though because you slightly felt his throat vibrate from his voice. "Bouncy house?"

"Yesh." You replied childishly. "It is kinda getting cold too."

You and Kenji went back inside and started jumping on the bouncy house.

*Meanwhile Kogane and Sakunami's POV*

"Hey, where'd Y/N go?" Kogane first noticed. Sakunami looked behind him to see no sign of y/n.

   "She went ba." Sakunami responded.

   "Damn, she just left us." Kogane said sadly. "Heart been broke so many times I don't know what to believe."

   "We're right here." You then interrupted him from behind as you and Kenji came back.

   "Sometimes I feel like I can still hear her voice, as if she's right here with me." Kogane said, looking down at the ground sadly.

   "Dumbass, we're right here." Kenji said this time, smacking him in the head.

   "OW!" Kogane yelped. "Oh, shit they are actually here. They aren't dead!!"

"No, shit, Sherlock!" Kenji snapped back.

   "Where'd y'all go?" Kogane asked as he rubbed his head where Kenji had hit him.

   "We went to..." you started.

   "The fucking moon, Kogane." Kenji interupted.

   "Oh." Kogane quietly replied. You kind of felt bad for Kogane, Kenji was being so mean to him for no reason.

   The four of you then went to go play a few games, including a bean bag toss game. If you made all 3 bags in, you won a prize. Kenji, even though it took him a good $5 worth of attempts, finally won and got you a teddy bear plush. You hugged it and carried it everywhere with you for the rest of the night. Kogane tried touching it a few times, but Kenji would just slap his hand away.

   After y'all had worn yourselves out, you and Kenji bid everyone goodbye and left.

   "You hungry or anything?" Kenji asked once y'all got in the car.

   "A little." You replied whilst yawning.

   "McDonald's? We could go through the drive through too if you're too tired." Kenji offered. You nodded in response. After you got McDonald's, Kenji dropped you off at your house.

"Wait here." Kenji told you as he pulled up in your driveway. Although confused, you obeyed. Kenji then got out and went to the other side and opened the door for you.

"Aww, thanks." You told him as you took his outreached hand.

"Don't mention it, this is the nicest I get." Kenji muttered, slightly embarrassed of his nice actions. Kenji then held your hand as he walked you to the door. However before you could get your keys to unlock it, he stopped you. "Thank you for coming with me. Tonight was fun and I hope you enjoyed it too."

"Ken-ken, of course I enjoyed it!" You told Kenji. You then raised your key to the lock but was stopped again by him calling your name. You looked back at him somewhat confused. Kenji then gently grabbed your face and slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss onto your lips. You pulled back in surprise. Kenji took in a sharp breath unsure if you liked it. You noticed this and to prove you did, you pulled him back in. After a few seconds, the two of you pulled away from each other breathless with each other's taste on your lips. "Thank you, bye dumbass." Kenji whispered in your ear as he hugged you and then departed back to his vehicle. You remained shocked for a few more seconds as his vehicle pulled out of the driveway and drove off. You then slowly and quietly unlocked the door and went to your room and go to sleep.


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