Friday Night

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   Today was finally Friday and you had gotten through your first week of school. You had become closer friends with Futakuchi and also had become better friends with Camryn as well. Camryn had no idea that you were talking to her ex though, but you never told her because she never asked so you thought it was fine. If things, however, did progress between you and Futakuchi, you were going to tell her, but you highly doubted that would happen.

Because it was Friday night, your mom suggested to invite Terushima over for a BBQ, so you called him.

"Hey, what's up, luv?" Terushima answered the phone.

"Come over for dinner. My dad's barbecuing." You briefly explained.

"Alright, sure." Terushima said, then hang up. A few minutes later, he came through the door randomly scaring you and your mother who were just watching t.v in the living room."What's up, y/n!" Terushima greeted you, doing y'all's little secret handshake. "Hi, Mom." Terushima then greeted you mother, giving her a hug.

   "Hey, Teru." You mom responded.

"Oh, Teru, you're here now, can you help me with this real quick?" Your dad yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes, sir." Terushima responded and went to go see what your dad wanted.

"I saw your game the other day, you did amazing." You heard your dad tell Terushima.

"Thank you."

"And that one catch where you caught the football by oddly turning your torso," you dad said (y'all know that thing he did where he hit the ball off balance in s02 ep15? He basically did that but caught a football and made a touchdown instead). "that was amazing. I bet the college coaches are already looking at you."

You then got up to see what your dad needed help with to see if you could help too. He was fixing your toddler brother's tricycle (if you don't have a toddler brother you are so lucky, I'm the oldest of my three other brothers and I'm the only girl) and Terushima was holding the nails in place for your dad and handing him more when he needed them. "Can I help?" You asked.

"Yeah, there's a box of nails in my toolbox in the garage, can you get that please?" Your dad responded.

"Yes, sir." You went to go get the nails for your dad and then came back.

"Can you go check the mail please?" Your mom asked you as soon as you got back. You nodded in response and went outside.

"Oh, hey!" You turned around towards the voice that sounded oddly familiar. Sure enough, it was Kenji Futakuchi.

"Oh, hey." You casually responded, getting to the mailbox. "What are you doing here?"

"Hanging out with Aone." Futakuchi replied, motioning to the big, scary, white haired, eyebrowless guy.

"Oh, so that's his name" you quietly muttered to yourself.

"You live here?" He asked, looking up at your house.


"Are y'all barbecuing? It smells good." He asked, causing you to slightly tense up and panic, not wanting him to come over and meet Terushima.

"What's taking you so long?" A voice yelled from the front door.

"Is that Terushima?" You heard Futakuchi whisper to himself dreadfully.

"Oh, hey, what are you doing here?" Terushima asked, walking up to you.

"Hanging out with my friend." Futakuchi responded in a cold tone. "What are you doing here?"

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