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"Can I ask you? Do you by chance know Sam Denovan?", Saint eyes frantically looked at him, the man frowned. The moment the man could answer, the door opened exposing Zee..

"Nong Zee..",

"P'," Zee waied. "Saint, are you done?", Zee's eyes lingered on the book Saint's holding.

"Why do you have that?",

"Do you know who...",

"That's Tutor's..", Zee replied smiling but that made Saint's knees and lips tremble..

"Then...then..Sam Denovan..",

"It's Tutor's pen name",


" .. he's around 25 years old...",

"... I'm a year older than him..",

"A Thai... waiting for his slot for teaching...",

".... he's the one who led me in this profession... I like his passion on teaching... He's my first love..",

Saint's inside trembled all in fear as Joss and Zee's words echoed inside him, the mess in his thought he's been trying to solve, the dreams he's been trying to connect, the reason why he ached when he first heard about Tutor and Zee..the reason why he felt sad and even cry the moment he saw split second made his world float. Saint eyes turned glassy that made Zee walked towards him immediately, cupping Saint's face.

"What's wrong?", Zee queried, worry starting to invade his mind. "Why did you ask about Tutor's pen name, Saint?", Saint looked at Zee, and held his hand, taking it off from his face. He suddenly felt scared of Zee's soothing eyes, kindness and touch that resulted for him to flinch. Zee frowned on Saint's reaction.

"I want to go home,P'", Saint's voice cracked, as tears he's trying to keep made his eyes swollen, attempting to break free. He couldn't breathe! His fear just slapped the reality on him. The reality of being someone who took someone's else's life and living on bubbles that he could have lived. "I want to go home, P'", Saint finally lost and cried. Zee pulled him and hugged him. He could feel Saint trembling under his embrace.

"Saint.. what's wrong? Tell me..",

"Let me go home, P'", Saint murmured, pushing himself away from Zee, looking at the ground. Zee didn't waste time to pull him back once again.

"Okay, let's... let's go home..", Zee caressed Saint's back that made him flinch for multiple time, the man looked at Zee and shook his head. "What happened?",

"I don't know..", the man replied.Zee then broke the hug and took Saint's hand leading the way to the car. Saint felt miserable looking at the hands holding his hands. It should not be me who are you shouldn't be me who you are with., Saint's mind worked against him.  "I'm sorry..",

"Huh..", Zee halted suddenly and turned around to meeting Saint's distraught face. "Why are you asking for apology? Why are you crying? What happened this time? Tell me..", Zee trailed calmly looking straight to Saint's eyes as if the answers there. Saint once again attempted to pull his hands back to him but Zee held it tighter. "Tell me..", How would you react that I am the reason for Tutor not coming back to you, Saint thought to himself that only made him cry even more, for his heart to ache more than one-broken hearted man could ever hold.

"I'm sorry..", Saint sniffed, but that wasn't enough. Zee loosen his grip to Saint, giving up on the idea of having Saint telling him what happened. He reluctantly let go of Saint's hand and opened the front seat door for Saint, but Saint only looked at him. He, for the first time, hated to see the expression of guilt plastered on Saint.

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