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Zee's heart rapid heartbeats could be heard as they head towards where Tutor mourn were. Zee didn't know but he's really nervous. Saint could feel it, the first time he visited him, his dad had to supported his back, feeling his feet froze the moment he took his first on the said columbarium. Saint held Zee's hand, tracing circles to comfort the latter, giving him a reassuring smile. Soon they arrived at the place.

"P', we're here..", Saint remarked and looked at Zee. Zee then looked at the small transparent hold with what he assumed Tutor's mourn. "Hm, I'm sorry that we couldn't put a picture in front of it, my dad doesn't want that...but we changed it into his real name already.", he added, putting up a soft smile. Zee gently looked at Saint, wrapping around his arms around Saint's waist, pulling him for a hug.

"Thank you, Saint..thank you", Zee murmured above Saint's hair, Saint caressed his back.

"I'll wait you outside, take your time, okay?", Saint looked, meeting Zee. Zee took a peck on his lips, and gently nodded. Saint broke the hug and soon left Zee alone in front of Tutor's mourn. Seeing that, Zee couldn't help but tear up. It's understandable though, meeting his childhood friend over after months with him inside a small jar..

"Oh my God, Tor..", Zee started to trail wiping his tears away. Gnawed by different emotions, he just couldn't find his words, to begin with. "...i-I'm sorry about what happened, I'm sorry that I came too late. I miss you, Tommy misses you so much too. It's heartbreaking that you have to go, you're still young. You could have reached your dreams even further. I'm sorry.", Zee continued. "I hoped in the time you're here, you've been happy. I hope you enjoyed it. You know you're a big part of my life, we're friends since we were kids, i even I fell in love with you. I'm glad, Tor. I do. I don't blame you though, when you left us..yeah, I'm bit frustrated, but what can I do, huh... thank you, thank you for telling me what you really felt about me, us. It's a disaster didn't get today goodbye to you. I'm so lucky to have you as my bestfriend, Tor. And that will never change even though you're in heaven now. I won't ever ever forget you.", Zee smiled gently. " can curse me, Tor. I honestly fell in love again, with the person you thought I'll like the moment I saw him, and yeah, I ended FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM,  though.. at first thought it was really you, you share the same face after all..but he's so good, he's an angel. He's a blessing in disguise. He taught me to move forward. I know i messed up badly, so much that I broke him, but I won't do it again now that he'd given me a chance. Thank you, Tor. Thanks for your heart, I..get to met him. Thanks to you, I reached this point to fight for my love to him. Thanks to your heart, you gave another chance to live.. thank you, thank you for being part of me, meeting Saint.", Zee sniffed and just like that he felt a warm air that made him feel relaxed as if it's caressing his troubled hard. It didn't took long for Zee to smile widely in front his friends' mourn and mumbled. "Thank you so much,Tor..", he stayed there at least an hour telling stories, good ones that happened since Tutor left as if he could hear him. He giggled all alone when the topic was thrown all about Saint. When, he told everything, Zee decided to paid goodbye saying he'll visit him often this time. That no matter what, there's always new story that will be imparted as time goes on. Zee placed the white rose, which Tor's favorite flower, before leaving and met Saint's on the outside looking at the sky, sun bathing him with shines. He sneakily trailed towards Saint's back, snaking his arms around Saint's waist. Saint gasped out of surprise.

"P'Zee..y-you startled me..", Saint held his chest, playfully hitting Zee's arms down his waist. Zee tightened his embrace.

"I'm so lucky to have you,Saint..", he murmured, leaving a quick peck on Saint's nape, Saint blushed.

"Hm, where did that came from..",

"I feel better now Saint, thank you.",Zee once again murmured.

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