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It's been 4 days since they officially broke up. Weeping with letting go of each other is an understatement, but the two slowly get hold of each other's feelings with the help of their friends. Saint however continued to avoid Zee, not attending any of his remaining class in concern with the man. He just passed whatever homeworks need to be done through either Jimmy and Mixxiw which the two gladly accepted considering the painful circumstances they've both casted. Either of their friends pursued talking about what happened but they knew the couple had completely broken up. Dismay crept their minds but it's only Zee and Saint who could decide whether they hold on to each other or let go. No one dared to make the two of them talk to each other, respecting their boundaries as friends. Zee despite the urge of begging Saint come back to him, controlled himself respecting Saint's decision. It's funny how things turned out, he thought. He pushed Saint away from him, thinking the worst of him and what's making him hard to move on is he did love Saint and it hasn't changed for a bit. He's thankful to Tommy that he was there that day, if not he'll just messed things up more. Tommy talked to him about giving Saint some room to think and healed from all the pains, he could only look at Saint from afar, he made no move regarding Saint's absence on his classes and asks Mixxiw and Jimmy about how Saint's doing since they broke up. A tingling jealousy caressed him everytime Joss would be so all touchy to Saint, but he didn't let it lose his cool, he's not gonna ruin how Saint's bubbly personality slowly coming back from being burried deep days ago. He sighed to think that maybe, maybe..Saint finally realized it's time to let go of him and chose to fall in love once again, not to him but to the person who could make him happy, more he could ever offer.

"Zee..", Tommy interrupted Zee from his thought. "Saint will melt at this rate.", Zee sadly smiled and leaned back to his seat. They are currently having their lunch, 9 tables away from where Saint, Mixxiw and Jimmy's where at.

"I want to talk to him, Tommy..", Zee trailed, restraining the tears clouding his tired eyes. "....I wanna hug him...tight..kiss him..carry him..drivehim back and forth from school to Earth's condo..I miss him so much", Tommy gasped on Zee's sudden confession. "I wish I could still go near him the way you could do.",

"Zee... Saint will come and talk to you, don't lose hope..", Tommy let a sad smile plastered on his face but it didn't convince Zee even a bit.

"It's marks 3 days now before he leave back to New York, I feel like I'm going to lose him completely by then, Tommy...", Zee's voice cracked. "I feel like we're never gonna meet each other again, I'm scared.",

"We can't do anything about it, Zee.. but you guys share the same feelings with each other, I'm sure that feelings will be enough for both of you to.",

"Did he says he still love me?", Zee suddenly remarked that made Tommy to be taken aback. "I guess he did.",

"We didn't ask anything about you guys...the topic itself is painful, how can I even brought that up to him..",

"I know.. I'm sorry", Zee replied.

"At least, you could talked to Earth now, you guys haven't been talking..i don't want our friendship to fall in vain,Zee and I know you do too.",

"He's still mad at me, I don't him to get mad at me even more.",

"Try talking to him, it will help.", Zee then returned his eyes back to Saint who fortunately for met, locked his. Saint's looking at him and the way he fliched  tells everything. Saint soon bowed and smile at him, looking back to Mixxiw who's obviously sharing story on how Saint giggled instantly. He smiled unconsciously on what he's seeing, his bleeding heart beat a bit faster.

"I miss you, Saint", he murmured that only Tommy could hear. Tommy's heart clenched on what he's witnessing but all he could do now is to support the man in front of him.

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