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Earth rose to from his bed with heart beating so fast after dreaming something about Saint. He shook his head and whispered, weird. He took his time to go out of his room, it's just 5 hours since he got home from Thailand. He went out of the room and headed towards the living room and was greeted by his mom and dad.

"Good morning,mom, dad.", Earth smiled and earned a hug from his mother.

"Good morning, honey.",

"Good morning, brother..", Earth shifted his gaze to the person and meet Joss who's grinning at him ear to ear.

"Heck! Too early for you to hang around, Saint's not with me...", Earth teased.

"I know...I came here for you since you're the one here..",

"Ooh, I do not know if I should be happy by that..", Earth smirked.

"Come on, let's eat breakfast...join us too Joss.",

"Yes, Auntie.", Joss smiled. Earth decided to open his phone for the first time since he landed. For his whole flight, his heart's been unsettled. It's been beating so fast that and like telling him to no longer go on his flight back to New York. Soon as he opened it, he frowned when he saw 10 missed calls from Mixxiw, and to top, 65 missed calls from Park.

"What's happening..", he mumbled before dialing Park's phone number assuming he would answer despite the time difference. He patiently wait until the phone was answered and..

"The fuck! Why won't you answer any of my calls!!?", Park growled at the other side leaving Earth to flinch.

"Hey, phone's off throughout the flight..",

"Damn that phone of yours! You better get your ass back here, Earth!",

"I just arrived...",

"Don't care, come back! We have a problem and Saint needs you here..", Park trailed that made Earth's eyes to widen.

"Why? What happened to Saint?", He unconsciously raised his voice that made his parents and Joss look at him.

"Saint...he learned about his donor, and he's having a breakdown.", Park replied.

"Why! How?",

"I told you that someone investigated about his donor and that was Saint..and he learned that..",


"It's your friend Zee's best friend.."

"W-what..fuck!", Earth cursed.

"Honey, your mouth..", his mom reminded Earth.

"Get back here as soon as you can, he's mad at me and.. he's blaming himself everything about it, Earth..he needs you the most right now... your parents..",

"I'm going back..please... please look after him, I'll be there maybe tomorrow... whatever.", Earth replied hanging up the phone.

"Earth, what's happening?", His mom asked him since worry was plastered all over his face.

"Mom, I'm going back..Saint learned about his donor and he's been having a breakdown..", Earth lips trembled and thought about how it became Zee's friend, who's friend?

"What? Oh my God..", His mom held his chest. "Let me come with me, I want to see Saint..",

" I'll talk to him first..", Earth rested his arm on his waist.

"How did he even..", Joss took a guilt gulped

"I helped him.. brother and I helped him", Earth glared at Joss.

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