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4 months after

"Hey, wake up..", Joss gently shook Saint's body who's still asleep despite sunlight kissing his skin, room warmer. "...we have to go, we're late.", he added. Saint only wrapped himself and turned his back from Joss. "...Auntie called me, you have to go home now."

"Wait, give me 10 minutes more.", Saint lazily trailed and Joss sighed. "Okay, okay. 10 minutes.",  Joss stood up from the bed and slightly closed the curtain. Saint smiled realizing the gesture and soon went back to his slumber.

Saint spend his 4 months going with Joss attending some gallery events. Joss is in love with photography, Saint who's yet to enroll  as a 2nd year student decided to just go with the older. He started to love photography as time goes by, Joss and Saint's parents just let him knowing it has been a good distraction for him. Saint hadn't been crying for the past days which he'd been the first weeks since he got home, missing his friends and of course, Zee. The two started to exchange messages after the letters of Tutor was mailed to them, but it was only about simple hi, hello, how are you?, and nothing more. Who cares? The two decided to slow down and take things for the better. They both knew they do love each other. No one's rushing. Saint kept his promise, he did call Jimmy and Mixxiw even if it's too late or past midnight, he didn't get any complain from them though and they would just talk until one give up or the other side passed out in the middle. Earth and Mixxiw's relationship stayed as it is. Strong, sweet, the way his brother would giggle when they talk about Mixxiw on phone, he's satisfied. As for Jimmy and Tommy, Mixxiw spoilt Saint by saying Tommy had started to visit the cafe with Zee of course, the two would have a casual talks. Earth, Tommy and Zee, the three had gone to normal. Seeing things like this after months he'd gone,  Saint started to cut off some time with them, would at least talk to any them twice a week on a set time and day, and started to work things on his side. Of course, they noticed the sudden action of Saint but no one dared to question him. He's starting to get his life back.

"Breakfast?", Joss offered soon as he saw Saint went out of his spare room, all dressed, ready to go home.

"No, P'.. I'll eat at home.", Saint smiled, rubbing his eyes.

"Okay, should I drive you home?",

"Nope, I'm fine. I want to walk around. I'll buy new lens", Saint grinned.

"Woah, slow down, Tiger. You just bought one two weeks ago.", Joss cringed, as Saint walk closer.

"I scratched it. This is the last time, I'll buy one.", Saint winked. "I gotta go, P'", Saint hugged Joss for a quick one, and Joss automatically stroke his back.

"Okay, if you say so.",

"Gotta go", Saint excused leaving Joss alone who could only shook his head. Saint took a slow walk towards the main road, it's only 15 minutes away from their house. Walking towards the cafe shop, his stomach grumbled. "I should have taken atleast one toasted bread.", He mumbled, rubbing his stomach. He's about to cross the road when his phone rung, that caused his to stop unaware of the traffic that's about to move after the lights turn to orange. He smiled seeing Zee's ID number, he's about to answer the call when someone abruptly pulled him back to the sidewalk causing for Saint to let go of his phone and wheels totally wreck it on the floor. "My phone, my God!",

"Your life is more important than your phone Saint!", the familiar voice made Saint's head to snap on his direction. Eyes widening to see a fuming Zee standing before him..

"P'...P'Zee..", Saint muttered as he was immediately pulled to an embrace, Zee rested his head on his shoulder.

"What if I hadn't got here on time, Saint..", Zee murmured and that's when Saint realized what was about to happen if he was not pulled back. He could have lost his life on life. He trembled and gasped for air that starting to leave him. He's hyperventilating. Zee immediately broke the hug, and giving Saint's space to breath. "Saint, relax.. it's okay, it's okay. I'm here.", Saint's breathing hitched and his body shivered, Zee then gently locked Saint in his embrace once again, rubbing Saint's back. "Breath Saint, I'm here. Relax..",  they stayed on the same manner till Saint breathing finally got to relax. Zee cupped Saint's face, wiping the traces of tears that escaped through Saint's face. "You okay now?", Zee looked at Saint so soft would only melt on his embrace.

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