Chapter 4

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Sense i got to go home early with my head and all today i decided to do another chapter, so here the first of Reed's Pov!

thanks you so much for reading my story. i'm so happy with all the reads and voters i have gotten so far. Thank you! This is a short chapter, sort of like a filler chapter. 

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*picture of Reed on the side just imagine him with glasses*

chapter 4- Reed POV

        I walking through the hallway of the first floor of the TimeWork Hotel (i just made it up) with my  bag thrown over my right shoulder. I can't believe I'm actually in Washington D.C.! I glance at number after room number until i reach room 137. I uses the key car to open it and walk in.

        It's not really much to look at just three dresses on the far wall and three bunch beds. Two of them are up against the walls and there is the third in between them.

         It is not really much like a normal hotel room, well at least no one i've ever been in. From what i heard the TimeWork Hotel caterers to groups and school trip like ours.

         There also one bathroom.  with my knowledge of girl, mostly coming from my little sister Victoria or actually Vicky - because she yells at you if you don't call her Vicky for some reason- that's going to be a problem for six girls.

        After i scan the room i walk over to the first bunch bed that's kind of hidden away in the corner and set my bag down on the bottom bunch. I guess that the best part of being the first one in our room is getting to chose my bed first. I don't bother unpacking, it would be too much work anyway.

        I move my bag to the end of the bed and hope in it. it is not the most comfortable bed, but what can i do about it anyway. i pool out my iPhone form my left back pocket of my jeans. I start to finish up my solider game.

        I say i just killed ten minutes playing solitaire and now I'm bored. I wish i was sharing a room with Mich or Tyler but they are in some other room. Mich, Tyler and me have been friends sense freshman year but i don't ever seem to get to talk to them between having different classes and homework. Curse AP.

        I'm about to get up when i hear the room door open. In walks Ian, a guy i know because we are in the same Spanish class. though we never really have talked. Along with Jason who i don't know really either but i hear his a really good guy; we are also in the same Spanish class. But i guys that could mean he actually the complete opposite. o well.

        A moment later a guy that looked almost identical to Jason come in and he did not look happy. Note to self stay out of his way.

        I get out of bed and walk over to them. Might as well say hello right. "hey I'm Reed Carter, nice to meet you guys". Jason's brother completely ignores me and hopes up on the top bunch of the bed furthest away from mine. Ok then. "hey ignore Andrew, his just.. just Andrew i guess. I'm Jason and this is Ian." Jason says pointing his thumb at Ian. Ian did a curt wave then walks over to the bed under Andrew.

        "yeah i know, we have Spanish together," i say smiling. His seems like is is a good guy. "O well sorry i didn't say hi before then" Jason says a little award. "yeah" i say back award.

        "would you two shut up I'm trying to Liston to music and i cant hear it over you annoying voice" Andrew says loudly. Jason just sights and walks over to the middle bottom bunch. O well i guess this could be worse.


Two updates in one day! please comment and tell me what you think and vote too please!

I just posted a complet story called When Dawn Struck that i wrote like two years age. it only one part but it's pretty long so come check it out please!!!





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