Chapter 1

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Here is the first chapter of the story!! I hope you all like it!! thank you so much for reading this!! i would love to hear so feedback about what you think??

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*here is a picture of what Jason looks like *

Chapter 1- Jason POV

I grudgingly opened up my eyes and stared blankly at the white ceiling of my bedroom, truly just wishing it was Saturday and i did not have to go to school. Hearing the repetitive beeping of my alarm clock going off I fumble around on my nightstand till I find it in my drowsy state and turn it off. I throw throw the covers off of me but before i get completely out of bed I check my IPhone.

The light from the screen at first blinds me, but my eyes quickly get use to it and i unlock the screen. I see that I have a text from Megan, who will not just leave me alone already, that reads, want 2 sit by me on the bus ride down. it will be fun <3<3<3. I'm so happy Emma and me are going to sit together on the trip down to Washington D.C. because if I had to end up having to sit by Megan the whole time it think my ears would start bleeding. Don't get me wrong I'm a nice guy but boy can that girl talk. I guess I could always sit by Andrew if i had to, him being my twin and all, but actually i think that might end up being even worst.

I go to the bathroom Andrew and i share brush my teeth and stuff, then go back to my room thrown on a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and some shoes. after i finish tying my shoe laces i grab my suit case and run down stairs. i set down my suit case in the hallway and walk to the kitchen. "hey sweetie. i made breakfast come sit down and eat." my mom says. "thanks mom" i say. i set down at the breakfast bar and start stuffing my face with eggs, toast and Bacon.

"honey wheres your brother?" my asks looking towards the hallway. "probably still sleeping if i know Andrew and sadly i do" i say. my mom chose to ignore my comment. its not like Andrew and me not getting alone is anything now. The only reason we hang out together at school sometimes would be Emma an'd that when he was'nt being a jerk.

I'm moved out of my thoughts as i hear a loud bang come from above the kitchen or in other words Andrews room. He must realize that he has less than ten minutes to get out the door for school and i bet he hasn't packed yet either, but that's Andrew for you. i used to wake him up in the morning myself but i gave upon that half way through freshman year, now it Junior year. Because of this we have barely made it on time ever sense than especially now that he drives me to school. I would drive my test but lets just say my instructor asked for perfection and i was a far from perfect driver according to her.

Andrew comes bar ling down the stairs and runs into the kitchen stuffing his piece of toast in his mouth. "good morning Andrew. running behind again i see." mom says like it was unusual. "yeah and speaking of that do you thin-" mom cuts him off " help you pack? already did and put it in the car" "thanks mom you the best!" "so if he didn't have to pack his own bag why did i?" i ask my mom already knowing the answer. "because your the responsible one of you two. i swear you two may be twins but you couldn't be more different." mom says. she's right there.

"hey Jason are you coming with me to school or are you going to walk. you know because you failed your driving test and all." Andrew says with a smirk. He can't help but bring that up can he. "yeah coming. be there in a sec. " i say rolling my eyes. Andrew waves a goodbye to mom then heads out the font door to the car.

"bye mom see you in a few days" i say to my mom. "OK love you. be careful, don't talk to strangers and rember-" i cut her off "mom I'm 17 i can handle myself, trust me nothing going to happen." i swear she think I'm still five and going to play on the play ground. "fine, fine. just be careful and keep an eye on your bother for me. O and say hi to Emma for me." Mom says with a suspicious smile. i roll my eyes and head out the door grabbing my suitcase. i pray Andrew driving doesn't get me killed, i want to know how he passed his test.

We made it to school and Andrew parks the car in the parking lot of Berry Grove public high school. I'm glad i made it here in one piece. Andrew ran one red light and two stop signs all will going 15 miles over the speed limit. How the hell did he get his license and i didn't. Andrew and i make are way up to the school all while not saying a word to each other. Once we reach the front entrance we split up. i go sign in with Mr. Ranco who is some 50 year old sweaty guy who always has the grosses looking pit stands, i think he teaches wood shop or something like that.

After that i go walk around waiting for my first period, my free period, to end so i can get on the buses and go to Washington already, but mostly i cant wait to see Emma. I think she has her TA period right now. All of the sudden two soft hands cover my eyes and i hear a sweet voice say, "guess who?" "mmh let me think is it Megan?" "no try again." she says almost sounding offended. i chuckle and say "Emma" "of course who else would it be" Emma says.

i waited a minute and then said, "um your know your hands are still covering my eyes right?" "ops sorry" she says quickly removing them. i turn around and see her pretty face. she has the sweetest soft blue eyes and long blond hair that almost reaches her wast. i realize I'm staring.

I quickly say, "a'nt you suppose to be in class. don't tell me your skipping." i say with mock horror, knowing fully well she would never one skip one of her class. "of course not. i got out a few minutes early. she didn't have anything that she needed me to do so she just let me go." she say hitting my arm. "ok, ok" i say putting up my hand in surrender. she just giggles. " hey do you want to go over to the buses now so we miss all the people?" i ask. "sounds good" she says smiling.

We walk back over to the font entrance talking about the stuff we going to do once we get to D.C.. Once we get there people are already out of their classes and coming towards the bus, so we throw our suit case, mine being navy and her being hot pink, under the bus and go to find some seats. Emma and i decided to set in the very back set so we would have some more room, Emma said it was because this trip going to be a few hours and she wanted to be comfortable.

"so did you remember to charge your phone?" i ask her. she acts all offended but in my defense shes notorious for having her phone die on her. "yes, of course i did" she says say as if i just asked her if she remember to put on clothsthis morning. "ok,ok i was-" I'm cut off by a familiar and annoying voice, Andrew.

"Mind if i sit here?" Andrew asks. "yeah of course... i mean sit down." Emma says slightly nervous. i Swear i just saw her blash, but it probaly just becouseit hot in here. I glare at him and he glare back with even greater intensity. He plops down right between me and Emma, forcing us to make room for him between us.

I should have told Emma that we should sit somewhere else, but she almost impossible to say no to. Why does Andrew all-ways have to get between Emma and me. it's not like his nice to her half to time anyway. I really don't get him at all and we are twins! "This is going to be so much fun." Emma says happly. "yeah so much" i mutter to myself, but she does'nt here they do not here me.


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