Chapter 10

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Here chapter ten!! im going to try and update once a week, sorry its a day late. it long 2206 words, i hope you enjoy it! thank everyone who reads this and thank you everyone who voted and followed me!!

Jason and Andrew mom, Jenifer West, as Paige Turco.

I wanted to dedicate this chapter to iSiderGirl who written very kind and encouraging words and votes.

Please vote and comment! i would love to hear feedback form you!!


Chapter 10- Jason POV

My head is killing me! As I lye here on soft material I realize it is not just my head but also my whole body that hurts. It feels like someone took a baseball bat to my whole body, making it battered and bruised.

I shakily open my eyes and a stream of blinding light bores into them. I close them quickly disorientated. What felt like forever later I open my eyes again. This time my vision is only slightly blurry and my has cleared up some, though it's still slightly blurry and slightly discolored.

I look around and see clean and unfamiliar territory. Where am I? Why am I here? I try to think to figure it out, but it hurts to much. I try to force myself to moving past the pain and I think back, trying to remember.

I remember There was a loud sound and I remember a feeling of my body floating and a intense stinging sensation covering my whole body. After that I fell back into something hard, the ground maybe, and everything went black. Do I pass out? What happened?

I try to remember, Then everything floods back to be like a dam breaking. Going to the alternative foil place on our field trip, running down the hallway with Reed, Emma screaming, and a man bleeding out on the floor. Emma, Andrew, Reed and that man. What happened to them? Are they ok? Are they hurt? Did that guy make it?

I try to focus on what's happening right now. Surveying the room I realize it is a hospital room, which means I'm in a hospital. How bad did I get hurt? Timidly examining my pains, my body hurts but nothing seems broken and the pain is almost gone now.

I look around the room more notice another hospital bed next to me. Someone is sleeping in it. He looks so serene with his eyes closed sleeping peacefully. His hair is dark brown and ... It's Andrew.

If Andrew is here that means he must of gotten caught in the accident too! Did everyone else get caught in the accident too? Are they hurt? Did Andrew get hurt? I look over at him and to my relief he looks to be unharmed. Thank, God!

Andrew is still a sleep tough. Not thinking clearly I jerkily sit up and push the covers down. Slowly and jerkily my legs move off the side of the bed I move my weight onto my feet as they touch the cold tiled floor. I almost collapse. I catch my self on the bed. I hold on and wait for the world to stop spinning. I feel like I haven't moved my legs in weeks.

Once I'm mostly steady on my feet , I shuffle my feet in uncoordinated strides towards Andrew's bed. I fell something pull on my arm, but I ignore it and move forward. Whatever it is it's pulled out of my arm. I look back and see an IV needle on the floor. I guess that's what it was. I keep walking until I gap onto the side of Andrew's bed.

I lean forward and reach out an unsteady hand. I gently shake him, "wake up" I say. I'm surprised at my own voice. It's dry and rough like I haven't used it in ages. Andrew doesn't respond, I shake him again saying "wake up" There is still no response.

Andrew lays quietly unmoving, I would think he was dead if I could not feel the steady rising and falling of his breath. Why won't he wake up?

I hear a voice behind me and I immediately turn my head towards it. I see a nurse in pink scrubs enter the room. Her eyes widen as she sees me standing over Andrew.

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