Chapter 13

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here the next chapter!! hope you like it!!

I am so so so sorry about the really  late update i had family in town ,my phone broke twice had to get that in order after losing the chapter, and life just got in the way. i will update regally now so Please forgive me!

Please vote,comment and follow!!!


Chapter 12- Jason POV

I slowly open my eyes from the hazy world of sleep I was in. I however feel like I've barely slept at all. I feel more sore than I did yesterday too.

I the faint golden light coming though the covered window irritates my eyes. I want to go back to sleep. I close my eyes and pull he covers over my head. The light dim but still is shinnying through the thin hospital blanket.

I roll over facing away from the light and let the cover fall off my head. I try to drift back into a peaceful oblivion but it's too late and I can't fall back to sleep. I'm already wide awake.

I open back up my eyes and see a empty hospital room. "Where am i?" I ask out loud. As soon as the words left my mouth I remember all that happened. The explosion, being knocked out and waking up in a hospital.

I sit up slowly and rest my back against the pillow. I look over at Andrew's hospital bed to see if he is up yet, he isn't. I'm a little surprised thought, considering how long he was out for yesterday. Mom going to of course be worried about this. She kind of on edge and has every right to be after what happened.

Speaking of mom, I don't see her or dad here. I guess they're at the hotel then. I can't wait to get out of this hospital and get back home. The drive back home goon suck though.

I look back over at Andrew and noticed a shinny blond blob next to home. I set up taller and lean over to see what it is. It's Emma!! why is Emma here and why is she in Andrew's bed???

I nearly fly out of the bed. As soon as I feel my feet touch the floor I rush over to the bed. I run around the bed to the side Emma is on. I gently shake her to try to wake her. I'm not sure of what I'm really doing right now, I'm just mad.

"Five...more minutes, Mom..." Emma mumbles try to shake me off. She moves and her head gently falls off Andrew's chest and onto the pillow, but she still doesn't wake up. At least she not laying on him any more.

Andrew moves, runs his hand though his face and sit up groggy. Andrew look over at me and asks, "What's going on Jason?". i a low angry tone i say, "I think I'm the one who should be asking what's going on." He looks at me confused, not sure what I mean. I give him a second, but he does not say a word. Irritated I get to the point, " Why is Emma asleep in your bed?"

I see the light dawn in Andrew eyes. "Emma....right.  um, she came to see if I was ok last night and she kind of just staid here." Andrew explains. A pang of jealousy and anger hit me in the pit of my stomach. Emma came to see if Andrew was alright, but not me. Is Andrew's more important to her? he is allway so mean and rude and a jerk to her. why?

"She did?" I ask. "Yeah, but it doesn't really matter and besides you were already snoozing." Andrew says. He hops out of the bed and onto his feet. He looks fully rested and in a good mood. lucky him.  Emma sits up coming between me and Andrew.

"did I fall a sleep?" Emma mumbles. "Yeah you did, but that's ok. i didn't mind" Andrew says. "Sorry" She mutters her chick becoming flushed.  She pushes back the covers and swings her legs around so they are dangling off the bed facing Andrew. She hasn't said one word to me. " um... sorry about that. I didn't mean fall" She says quietly looking at her dangling feet. "It's really no big deal. Besides we both fell a sleep so we are both to blame." Andrew smirks. She looks up at him with a small nervous smile covering her red cheeks. As soon as their eyes meet she looks back down obviously  embarrassed. It makes be so angry and jealous and I don't know what to do!

"um... you know what ... what ... I should go back to the room. um... someone probably is  looking for me anyway." she explains timidly. She hops off the bed and quickly turns to leave. "Wait Emma." I say, she stops and looks at me. I say, "Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?" looking like she wants to leave she says, "I'm fine." Before I can say anything else she runs out the door. Seriously? That was unlike Emma. It's like she didn't care about me at all. It really hurts.

I look back at Andrew and glaring daggers at him. "Why are you starting at me?  wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" Andrew jokes. I don't care if he is just  joking right now, I'm not in the mood for Andrew's usual attitude.

"No and more importantly what was all that about?" I demand. "You mean with Emma?" he ask feigning ignorance. Annoyed, I say, "Yes with Emma, of course. What else could I have meant?" i exclaim. Andrew shrugs and says, "Just like I said, we both fell a sleep. that it. what do you think happened?"  "nothing, never mind."  i say giving up. why do i have such a impossible twin. Andrew rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a smug smirk on his face. i hate that smirk!

I irritably walk around Andrew's bed and then passed him. I 'll just rest on my bed until Mom and Dad come back. I feel a soft thud against my right shoulder. What was that? It felt like something hit me. No way Andrew, he didn't! I turn around in a explosion of anger and frustration at Andrew.

I exclaim, "What the heck are you doing? Did you seriously just throw something at me?!" I know Andrew is mad at me and I 'm mad at him but it is ridiculous that he would actually throw something at me. What is he two? Is he seriously having a temperature tantrum! Andrew turns and look at me like he is questioning my sanity. As if he doesn't know what I'm talking about! How frustrating! He says with mock concern and confusion, "What are you yelling about? Why on earth would I throw something at you? Did you hit your head during that explosion?" What the heck is Andrew up to?

"Andrew really? First yo throw something at me; now you are denying it? You are just embarrassing yourself at this point." I say, "Embarrassing myself? What are you talking about? I seriously did not throw anything at you, I swear. Have you gone nuts?" He says defensively. "Really?" I say. Suddenly exhausted I bend down and pick up a monochromatic orange flower tissue box off the floor. This must have been what Andrew threw at me. I stand back up and look down at the tissue box in my hand and remember something.

This tissue box was on the other side of the room. i remember because mom was consistently grabbing at them. How could Andrew have possible reached it?  It didn't move, but if that's true how could Andrew have thrown it at me? It's just not humanly possible. How weird. I have to be wrong here. It's really strange, but that's how the last two days of my life have been anyway.

I am about to ask Andrew about it when the door opens and Mon an Dad walk in. "Hello boys, how are you two feeling?" "Hey Mom, um... I'm pretty good" I answer. " What about you Andrew?" Dad asks. "I'm fine, I'm better than every in fact." Andrew says with a hint of sarcasm. He is fine though that's obvious.

"That's good to hear. " mom says looking relived. I guess she is still worried about Andrew and me. We are both fine, but I can't really blame her for worrying. "I have some good news." Dad says. "What is it?" Andrew asks as I turn towards Dad. "You two are going to be released today with a clear bill of health. In fact we should be able to leave withing the next  hours  or so, if all goes well. "Dad explains. That's great! We can finally go home!

"I start to speak, "That's grea-" Andrew cuts me off my exclaiming "Finally! I was going to end up dying of boredom if I had to stay here another day." "I just have to do some paper work and get the all clear from Dr. Vinzal, then we can head out." Dad explain. I wish we could get gone already.

"I'll go tell Emma. You and Andrew get ready to go." Mom says. I expect her to leave but she doesn't budge. She just stands there looking worried, her eyes darting between Andrew and myself. "honey, should you should go see Emma now?" Dad says quietly, moving next to Mom. "You're right dear." Mom says. With one more lingering at Andrew and me look she leaves the room. "Now that that's settled I'll go find Dr. Vinzal. See you two later." Dad says exiting the room. these have been some crazy last few days.


there a little bit of drama for you though it was sort of a filler chapter. i will update as soon as i can! thank you!!!

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